Our new family addition :)

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Here's a couple of pics of our new Pup!,
God he's clever!, only 14 weeks old & he sit's, lays, stays on command & is totally toilet trained, just had his first week out on a leash after injections & sits at road junctions without command too :0. sorry if im I a bit cooish lol. Regards Graham.


Both the dog and the human are social animals.
For both, being accepted in a group, and better
still, to get the feeling one belongs somewhere or
to somebody is most exhilarating. You may be glad
the puppy got into your life, think its so clever and
see that its doing so fine… but see it the other way…

If the doggy is so happy with you, what do you think
its saying about you to all the dogs its meeting?

Have a good time, Graham! :)
Couple of great captures - liking the anticipation in number 1 and i think number 2 is a great capture...:)

I'd be tempted to try to replicate the 1st shot (or both) on his birthday - would be great to see him 'growing up'

Oh and yes, he's cute :D
I love the second shot - and he looks / sounds like he is going to be a fantastic addition. Also sounds like you've got a job on your hands keeping that doggy brain busy!
Keep on posting - he is lovely and you are getting some great shots of his puppyhood :)

What is his name?
oh bless!!! Love no 4, you've really captured how cheeky pups can be, gorgeous - and don't be shy about posting more!!!!!!