Outdoor portrait session - strobist

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Had a session with my mate the tree surgeon. Experimented with my flash and might pick one of these are my entry to a portrait photo comp... undecided which one though

Feedback would be highly appreciated
For me they all look quite a bit under exposed?
Not only underexposed but a bit too posed. If he's going to pose get eye contact, if not get him doing his job. The shots of him in the open space seem pointless and out of context...unless he's cut down all the trees. ;-)
Number 3 seems the best of the set.
The light flare is slightly distracting
Very like your first image,
And if I'm honest I almost like that he's not looking towards the camera.
Good luck with the comp!
Better - Not keen on the flare in the first. And in the second there's a shadow of some sort running across his face that kind of puts me off it.

Like the idea and the feeling of the shots. Just needs a bit more.
I quite like these actually. For the subject matter I don't think too much flash was needed but maybe a second to add some fill to those dark areas of your mates outfit etc. I love the pose of the first and whilst I can see that a tree perhaps should be in picture, too many (as in number 4) seems to help him disappear. I think the one you re-edited was the best lit of the original set and the edit is good. I can see the point being made about the flare but I don't think it's ruinous.

Overall I think you did pretty well - especially if OCF is something your relatively new too. Also as it appears you only had the one flash. A second for fill and a third as a rim light would have made these really sing. But sadly flash guns don't yet grow on trees :)
I've figured out what the xposure problem was... the screen on my macbook is far too bright - I adjusted all the photos above so they looked good to me. However, I;ve just checked them on my work PC screen and they are severely under - which is more a fault of my processing than the original photos. Back to the PP drawing board :D I'll have to figure out how to correct for the brightness on my MacBook - any suggestions?

I do actually have a second flash, but only one pair of triggers and I couldn't get the second unit to work in slave mode...
I'm not knowledgeable in terms of photography critic yet but the last one and the first are my personal favourites. In 3 and 4 he kind of reminds me of Jack from Lost a bit, perhaps it's the way the photos were taken and the vibe in them. Nice set of photos...good luck if you enter any of them :)
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