"Panasonic G series" Owners Thread

I'm heading back to a G series after having defected to a Nikon 1 for a while. I was happy with the J1 for a while (though the video sucks) but made the mistake of playing with a Panasonic again. So I now have another GF1 and have just ordered a GF5 with the power zoom as it looks like a nice pocketable set up. Unsure whether to keep the GF1 too or to sell it and just use the GF5... I did put it up for sale but think I will pull it for now and see how I get one with GF5 before deciding what to do.
Welcome back Peter, you going birding with the GF5 or still have DSLR?

Yeah I still have my Canon which I what I mainly use but my quest for a good pocket camera carries on... So far I have had a few Panasonics, a couple of Olympis Pens, a Sony Nex and currently the Nikon J1. Nothing has quite satisfied but I think that is more about my need for retail therapy rather than anything to do with the cameras. The best so far was definitely my original GF1 with the 20mm, wouldn't be surprised if I end up with another copy of that lens.
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Hey all,

Just picked up a GF1 off of eBay as my first "proper" camera. Loving it so far. However, I can't get the flash to pop up. I fiddled with it for a while, and did get it to pop up once (ooh err missus, etc) but no joy since.

So - is the catch a physical one (ie, could be sticking?) or is it an electronic one? Is it possible that it's software stopping it popping up? Does it think there's an external flash plugged in, maybe?

Hoping I can get this sorted, because I really don't want to ask for a refund and send it back. Thanks in advance.
Hey all,

Just picked up a GF1 off of eBay as my first "proper" camera. Loving it so far. However, I can't get the flash to pop up. I fiddled with it for a while, and did get it to pop up once (ooh err missus, etc) but no joy since.

So - is the catch a physical one (ie, could be sticking?) or is it an electronic one? Is it possible that it's software stopping it popping up? Does it think there's an external flash plugged in, maybe?

Hoping I can get this sorted, because I really don't want to ask for a refund and send it back. Thanks in advance.

According to the DPReview review

Pop-up Flash

Panasonic has done something Olympus claimed impossible; squeezing a built-in flash into a body this small (perhaps because there's a little extra room without the in-body IS). It's a cunning and rather complex design that lifts part of the top plate clear of the camera to reveal the small - but perfectly functional - flash. It has a Guide Number of just 6, rather than the 12 or 13 we're used to seeing on entry-level DSLRs, but it does the job for social snaps and fill-flash (and is a lot better than nothing). The flash is activated using the button on the rear of the camera (and flash mode controlled using the standard screen interface).
Ooops, sorry, should have mentioned - yes, I'm pressing the button, but it's doing nothing. It did pop it up once, but not since.
Ooops, sorry, should have mentioned - yes, I'm pressing the button, but it's doing nothing. It did pop it up once, but not since.

Unfortunately it sounds faulty then, the catch must be sticking.


From the manual on page 61.

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Just wondering if anyone else has managed to get GX1 RAW files to work with the built in Windows Photo Viewer.
I have installed the RAW camera codec pack from http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=26829

I know it does not mention the GX1 specifically but it lists a few of the G cameras.

I know its not the end of the world but it is frustrating having to use a different viewer when wanting to quickly view the RAW files...

I am running Windows 7 64bit.

Just wondering if anyone else has managed to get GX1 RAW files to work with the built in Windows Photo Viewer.
I have installed the RAW camera codec pack from http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=26829

I know it does not mention the GX1 specifically but it lists a few of the G cameras.

I know its not the end of the world but it is frustrating having to use a different viewer when wanting to quickly view the RAW files...

I am running Windows 7 64bit.


I don't use Windows but certainly there is an ACR patch - do you need to use the Windows Viewer?
I don't use Windows but certainly there is an ACR patch - do you need to use the Windows Viewer?


Yes Ideally I would like to use Windows Viewer - just seems the quickest way of viewing the contents of my SD card - unless there is a good free alternative?

I own LR4 but I prefer to quickly delete obviously naff shots from the SD card before I start importing into LR4.

EDIT: Also means the missus can view the pics on her laptop direct from the SD card without needing LR4.

So - is the catch a physical one (ie, could be sticking?) or is it an electronic one?
I just had a skeg at mine ;
The button is purely physical and 1mm-ish button press moves a broad catch about the same distance backwards right in the middle of the plate under the flash mechanism.
There isn't much clearance between 'caught' and 'released', so a knock might theoretically have spoiled it.
I would first try pressing the button really hard with a hard object,
then try with a fingernail under the front of the flash cover while pressing the button.
Once you've got it open you can see the catch and figure out what's jamming it.
I just had a skeg at mine ;
The button is purely physical and 1mm-ish button press moves a broad catch about the same distance backwards right in the middle of the plate under the flash mechanism.
There isn't much clearance between 'caught' and 'released', so a knock might theoretically have spoiled it.
I would first try pressing the button really hard with a hard object,
then try with a fingernail under the front of the flash cover while pressing the button.
Once you've got it open you can see the catch and figure out what's jamming it.

Many thanks! Knowing it was physical gave me the guts to give it a really hard press. It eventually popped open, and I ran the tip of a knife around the mechanism to see if I could loosen it or remove any grime, and touch wood that seems to have done the trick. Thanks all!
One more question - if I'm shooting in RAW, is there any difference between selecting a B&W film mode on the GF1 (or any of the other film modes) and performing the conversion to B&W (or fiddling with the other settings) in Lightroom or PS afterwards? Ta!
When shooting RAW any settings you apply don't change the file forever... So if you shoot JPEG black and white you're stuck with it but with RAW it's not really black and white :D it's still a colour picture with settings that make it B&W and you can make it colour or B&W or pink and blue and if you can work out what changes the camera applies when it creates these effects you could duplicate it in your processing software of choice.
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When shooting RAW any settings you apply don't change the file forever... So if you shoot JPEG black and white you're stuck with it but with RAW it's not really black and white :D it's still a colour picture with settings that make it B&W and you can make it colour or B&W or pink and blue and if you can work out what changes the camera applies when it creates these effects you could duplicate it in your processing software of choice.

Awesome! That was my guess. Many thanks again.
... selecting a B&W film mode on the GF1 ...
Bear in mind the GF1 allows something later models have dropped : multifilm.
That's two or three exposures while holding down the shutterbutton. I include dynamic B&W (this mode is excellent), smooth B&W and one colour, I use a tweaked natural.
They removed this system in the G3 and later ... a real loss.
Just try it anyway.
Well so far so good with the GF5, it feels better in the hand than the GF3 did and the controls are all easy to access (unlike an EPM1 that I tried). Since it arrived I haven't used my GF1 and don't feel I am missing it so I guess it will get sold soon. Just unsure whether to keep the 14mm or sell it with the GF1... Just ordered the Oly 45 f1.8 too, am getting sucked rapidly back into the m43s world!
... Just ordered the Oly 45 f1.8 too, am getting sucked rapidly back into the m43s world!


I took my brand new second hand 50mm f2.8 macro out today. This is someting like a 100% crop... Tiny flowers, it's via Photobucket so will be mangled a little but the original is sharp enough.


It seems to be a really good lens but handholding at an EFL of 100mm is rather difficult and when attempting to get anything near a full frame great care is needed, and a fast shutter speed :D
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Rumour has it that Panasonic are using the last generation sensor (G5?) and not the latest (Sony?) one as used in the GH3.

Personally I can't see the appeal of a Panny with a previous generation sensor when the Nex and latest Olympus cameras use later generation sensors with potentially better dynamic range and image quality.

I revisited a Rokkor 55mm f1.7 shot I took some time ago and did a mono / split tone...

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Rumour has it that Panasonic are using the last generation sensor (G5?) and not the latest (Sony?) one as used in the GH3.
Yes. If true, the appeal of the GF6/G6 completely passes me by. I'll wait for the GH3 to come down in price a bit more.
Yes. If true, the appeal of the GF6/G6 completely passes me by. I'll wait for the GH3 to come down in price a bit more.

You've heard a rumour about the sensor in the G6? I can understand the GF6 having the poorer sensor (the one in the GF5 is ancient, so this would still be a step forward), but I'm hoping the G6 will use the Sony one.
but I'm hoping the G6 will use the Sony one.
So am I.... but I guess we'll just have to wait a few days... Only going off 43rumors.com - "A source told us that neither the new GF nor the G will use a new sensor. They will use sensors already in use in current Panasonic MFT cameras.". I'm just making an extrapolation from the GF6 using the GX sensor, not the Sony sensor....
So am I.... but I guess we'll just have to wait a few days... Only going off 43rumors.com - "A source told us that neither the new GF nor the G will use a new sensor. They will use sensors already in use in current Panasonic MFT cameras.". I'm just making an extrapolation from the GF6 using the GX sensor, not the Sony sensor....

The GH3 is clearly a videographers camera so there is a chance that they will use the GH3 sensor in a dumbed down version in the G6, aiming it at photographers? Much the same as they did with the G5 and the GH2? Otherwise what would be the difference between the GF6 and the G6?

I'm keeping a keen eye on it as I think its time to upgrade my trusty G1.
I was handling the G cameras in PCWorld yestarday (again) since there are always used bargains on G3 on the forums, and the G5 looks like a proper upgrade to my G1 ... but anyone else thinking the G5's grip is really ugly? I mean, ugly enough to not buy the camera solely on looks?
I also handled the 35mm D600 & 6D and by 'eck they're ugly too.
Maybe I was having a finnicky day?
Wiht the GF6 having a tasty chrome top a lot like Olympus' smaller Pens, maybe the next proper G will have some shiny metal style too? I'm hoping.
but anyone else thinking the G5's grip is really ugly? I mean, ugly enough to not buy the camera solely on looks?
Good God no... It's the first small camera I've had that's comfortable to hold. Form over function - never!
Cameras are tools, not fashion accessories - the G5 grip is a masterpiece of ergonomic design, making it the nicest small camera to hold by far! This is where Panasonic are doing much better than Olympus IMHO (the lousy grip is one of the reasons I didn't buy the OM-D).
I'd have to agree that the G5 grip is great!

Having owned a GX1, GF5, G3 and G5, the G5 is by far the nicest to hold. It fits naturally in my hand and I feel comfortable holding it for a long time. The controls are all nicely placed.
I think it looks good too!

I'm hoping the G6 isn't changed much form wise.

The GF6 looks interesting as a pocketable camera but as I didn't like the GX1 or GF5 I doubt I'll like it. :(
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Having owned G1, GF3, G3 & G5 I hope Panasonic continue the trend away from the G3 and go full circle in design back to the G1 body :)
Having owned G1, GF3, G3 & G5 I hope Panasonic continue the trend away from the G3 and go full circle in design back to the G1 body :)


And what I'd also like is a GF1 with VF and articulated screen... but that's simply beyond all hope but God knows why.
The G1 was before I got interested in m4/3 but it certainly looks like a nice camera.
How does it compare size and handling wise to the GH3 (if anyone has had both)?
Is there a tripod mount available for the panasonic 100-300?

Not a Panasonic one, but a German site sells their own:

The G1 was before I got interested in m4/3 but it certainly looks like a nice camera.
How does it compare size and handling wise to the GH3 (if anyone has had both)?

The GH3 is a fair bit bigger, but feels better in the hand and has more in the way of controls, dials and function buttons.