"Panasonic G series" Owners Thread

9mm wider and 8mm higher,8% width and 11% height, not a lot bigger or "substantially bigger" in my book, and it feels little different.

All depends on what you call substantial :)
Just going by the look.
Not substantial but quite a bit, to me. ;) 11% bigger could be a deal breaker for some of us.
Yes, or it could make it so much easier to hold too :)

But I don't think it is enough to make it bigger than thought when a person is expecting it to be bigger anyway!

It was actually smaller than I thought when I first got it, the biggest difference between it and the G80 is actually weight, not size.
What about the G90, nicer to hold than the G80 (slightly longer grip) and smaller overall than the G9. Similar 20mp sensor and a fair few of the recent advanced features.
What about the G90, nicer to hold than the G80 (slightly longer grip) and smaller overall than the G9. Similar 20mp sensor and a fair few of the recent advanced features.
I initially looked for a G90, but couldn't find one, and when I did it was about the same price as the G9.
It does have most of the features of the G9, but is probably closer to being a 20MP version of the G80 in most ways
I initially looked for a G90, but couldn't find one, and when I did it was about the same price as the G9.
It does have most of the features of the G9, but is probably closer to being a 20MP version of the G80 in most ways
I've had all three that you mention, the G90 was a real bargain.
I got it new for pennies umder 500 quid, hard to refuse at that price.
Only one I still own is the G9, better in nearly every respect and its really not that big or heavy.
I've had all three that you mention, the G90 was a real bargain.
I got it new for pennies umder 500 quid, hard to refuse at that price.
Only one I still own is the G9, better in nearly every respect and its really not that big or heavy.

Used ones are about that today.

Was there a special offer on?

One thing that attracts me more towards the Panasonic cameras is that when I looked at the Oly range there seemed to be some sort of an issue with everything I looked at, shutter shock, some limitation on the shutter, no custom modest etc but with the Panasonic range anything with the redesigned shutter (to cure SS) is basically ok with the caveat that the focus system arguably isn't best suited to tracking, not being phase detect.
Used ones are about that today.

Was there a special offer on?
No idea, I got it January 2020 direct from Amazon UK for £499.97. All legit, I registered it with Panasonic for their extended warranty offer.
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Used ones are about that today.

Was there a special offer on?

One thing that attracts me more towards the Panasonic cameras is that when I looked at the Oly range there seemed to be some sort of an issue with everything I looked at, shutter shock, some limitation on the shutter, no custom modest etc but with the Panasonic range anything with the redesigned shutter (to cure SS) is basically ok with the caveat that the focus system arguably isn't best suited to tracking, not being phase detect.
Though I have seen very few complaints about it.
And the G9 has one of the fastest focus speeds of any camera

Must say, I can't find anything I don't like about Panasonic
Though I have seen very few complaints about it.
And the G9 has one of the fastest focus speeds of any camera

Must say, I can't find anything I don't like about Panasonic

The reviewers seem to say the same thing and I'm pretty sure some have switched from Panasonic to Oly for this reason but I can't be sure what Panasonic models users on here had. Generally, phase detect is thought to be better for tracking. I don't do birds in flight so tracking ability isn't really an issue for me.

Back when I got the GF1 one reason I went for Panasonic rather than Olympus was that I preferred the more modern and arguably slightly plain and rather anonymous design of the Panasonics rather than the more consciously styled and maybe retro Olys, and I've stuck with Panasonic and currently have 4 plus the TZ100.
I've just looked and they're £899 now.
Bargain then, John Lewis had them new for just under 500 quid too at about the same time.
Maybe one or other was mispriced and the other matched it.
Whatever I didn't keep it and the part exchange deal was very acceptable.
Bargain then, John Lewis had them new for just under 500 quid too at about the same time.
Maybe one or other was mispriced and the other matched it.
Whatever I didn't keep it and the part exchange deal was very acceptable.

I'm not looking to buy anything else so I just looked out of interest as £500 does look very good indeed. Maybe post Covid supply issues and inflation have done the damage here.
One thing I'm wondering is has the image quality of newer cameras moved on a bit?

I ask because I think my G100 gives the best IQ of any MFT camera I've had and that includes the also 20mp chip equipped but older GX9. It could just be that conditions and light have been better when I had the G100 with me and I suppose I should take them both out one day and see if there is any noticeable difference.
Fan of Lumix, here, too. I started with a GF1 then a G3, and progressed via a GX80 to a G80. Still have both the latter two. Also have the tiny GM1 with the little pancake 12-32 which is great when cycling. I like the GX80 for wandering the streets with either the 20mm 1.7 prime or the 12-35 zoom. I use the G80 for birds, landscapes, cityscapes, and less stealthy missions. Over the last few years I've bought the trilogy of mark ii lenses: 12-35, 35-100, and 100-300, all of which are super. Got them all used at decent (but still expensive) prices. The G80 is close to ideal for my level, but as I've said before my actual one is fraught with annoying problems. I can work around the problems but they are frustrating enough that I'm considering either another G80 or maybe a G9 - the latter because it seems silly to buy the same model again. I do want to see a G9 in the flesh first though.
Fan of both. I’ve had many models of both camps. Currently have 2 Olympus bodies, 1 Oly lens, 4 Lumix lenses, and a Laowa. I just buy what I fancy, not what reviewers or others say is the best. I make my own mind up (often to my wallet’s detriment!).
Fan of both. I’ve had many models of both camps. Currently have 2 Olympus bodies, 1 Oly lens, 4 Lumix lenses, and a Laowa. I just buy what I fancy, not what reviewers or others say is the best. I make my own mind up (often to my wallet’s detriment!).

I have to care what reviewers say as trying kit in a shop would almost certainly mean quite a long drive and I just don't have the free time to drive to Newcastle or York to look at camera gear.

Years ago we had a Jessops and a RGB an independent camera shop, now it's just Currys. One thing I liked in Thailand was walking into a shopping centre in Mrs WW's home town (not Bangkok) and they had three camera shops within yards of each other, all fully staffed and with just about everything I could think of in stock. Luxury :D
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I have to care what reviewers say as trying kit in a shop would almost certainly mean quite a long drive and I just don't have the free time to drive to Newcastle or York to look at camera gear.

Years ago we had a Jessops and a RGB an independent camera shop, now it's just Currys. One thing I liked in Thailand was walking into a shopping centre in Mrs WW's home town (not Bangkok) and they had three camera shops within yards of each other, all fully staffed and with just about everything I could think of in stock. Luxury :D
My nearest camera shop, which only stocks some Panasonic, some Olympus, and Hasselblads (!) is about 25 miles away so not really an option. Probably wrong of me to say I disregard reviews but I take them all with a pinch of salt.
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Prompted by another thread I read up on the differences between the GX9 and G100 sensors and saw that the G100 has a slightly higher DR in the bench tests and all this lead me to a question.

Which camera do people think offers the best image quality in the Panasonic or even wider MFT universe?
Prompted by another thread I read up on the differences between the GX9 and G100 sensors and saw that the G100 has a slightly higher DR in the bench tests and all this lead me to a question.

Which camera do people think offers the best image quality in the Panasonic or even wider MFT universe?
Ah, now there’s a question! Do you mean technically or the most pleasing comb of colour science, clarity, dynamic range, etc etc? I suspect you’d have to factor in which lens as well. My suggestion, surprising even to myself, is the LX100 mark 1. Or, going back a good many years, the Oly E-M5 mark 1. Just because some of my favourite shots were taken with one or another of those.
Prompted by another thread I read up on the differences between the GX9 and G100 sensors and saw that the G100 has a slightly higher DR in the bench tests and all this lead me to a question.

Which camera do people think offers the best image quality in the Panasonic or even wider MFT universe?
I think that if used at their optimum settings, nobody could honestly tell the difference between the later models :)
My favourite combo for image quality is the GX9 and Olympus 12-45.
They seem very nicely balanced which leads me to believe I can hold them steadier than anything else.
I know a lot of my photos are compromised due to my less than steady holding ability.
Could really do with Panasonic making a GX10 with improved IBIS and EVF, don't think they will though.
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I think that if used at their optimum settings, nobody could honestly tell the difference between the later models :)

I'm sure geeks on line can always convince themselves they can :D

As I said earlier, I think my G100 possibly gives the best IQ I've had from MFT but it could just be luck and having taken it out in the best photographic conditions. I'd like to shoot the G100 and GX9 side by side one day and see if there is any real difference.
My favourite combo for image quality is the GX9 and Olympus 12-45.
They seem very nicely balanced which leads me to believe I can hold them steadier than anything else.
I know a lot of my photos are compromised due to my less than steady holding ability.
Could really do with Panasonic making a GX10 with improved IBIS and EVF, don't think they will though.

I took some moon shots with my GX9 the other evening and I thought the IS was faulty, of course it was users error as somebody had fiddled with the IS settings. I'll have another go another evening :D
This picture taken with my GM5 impressed me. The light / glare was so strong I could hardly look in this direction but the end result after only minimal processing in PS2022 shows no blown highlights. There's a bit of flare and I almost deleted the picture but then decided I like it :D


Sorry, just realised I posted this a page back :D but I'll leave it here as I was talking about image quality :D
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Put a tentative bid on eBay for a G9 this morning - my bid was a whisker over £400, which (to date) has been my upper limit for camera expenditure. Didn't win, but only missed out by £40. I reckon in six months or so, they might be in range. Even MPB has one below £500 now. Alternatively, I'm still thinking of replacing my G80 with a better G80 if I can get one for £200. They're floating around just above that level, too. I'm wondering if after Christmas the stars may align with one or t'other... :)
Put a tentative bid on eBay for a G9 this morning - my bid was a whisker over £400, which (to date) has been my upper limit for camera expenditure. Didn't win, but only missed out by £40. I reckon in six months or so, they might be in range. Even MPB has one below £500 now. Alternatively, I'm still thinking of replacing my G80 with a better G80 if I can get one for £200. They're floating around just above that level, too. I'm wondering if after Christmas the stars may align with one or t'other... :)
The one on the classifieds looks like a bargain to me.
Genuine grip should fetch a few bob if not wanted.
Factor in the cost of spare batteries and you are getting very near your 400 quid limit.
Ah, now there’s a question! Do you mean technically or the most pleasing comb of colour science, clarity, dynamic range, etc etc? I suspect you’d have to factor in which lens as well. My suggestion, surprising even to myself, is the LX100 mark 1. Or, going back a good many years, the Oly E-M5 mark 1. Just because some of my favourite shots were taken with one or another of those.

I suppose... Just technical image quality and that will no doubt include dynamic range, colour depth etc., all the technical stuff relating to the sensor and whatever is done affecting output raw quality.

As you may know I very briefly had the LX100 mk1 until it went back for a contaminated sensor and IQ wise I just wouldn't put it on the same level as the later cameras and much as I liked my GF1 and G1 when at their best I'd also say that these early cameras are easily surpassed for image quality by newer models and not just at higher ISO's. Not that these older cameras can't be used to make really nice pictures as clearly they can but I was just wondering about the best IQ available in Panasonic or wider MFT.

I just wondered if there was anything better than the best MFT cameras I have which are I suppose the 20mp equipped GX9 and G100.
I suppose... Just technical image quality and that will no doubt include dynamic range, colour depth etc., all the technical stuff relating to the sensor and whatever is done affecting output raw quality.

As you may know I very briefly had the LX100 mk1 until it went back for a contaminated sensor and IQ wise I just wouldn't put it on the same level as the later cameras and much as I liked my GF1 and G1 when at their best I'd also say that these early cameras are easily surpassed for image quality by newer models and not just at higher ISO's. Not that these older cameras can't be used to make really nice pictures as clearly they can but I was just wondering about the best IQ available in Panasonic or wider MFT.

I just wondered if there was anything better than the best MFT cameras I have which are I suppose the 20mp equipped GX9 and G100.
Well, fair comment, but I don’t judge a picture purely on its technical quality. I look as well, possibly more, on its artistic qualities - composition, appeal, feeling. Of course, if it’s really out of focus, full of CA, distortion, then that will knock its score down. Some of my very best images were taken using the Canon EOS10D or 5D, which were certainly technically challenged .
But I think we’ve had this discussion before and each of us have our own priorities. :D
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Don't tempt me :) Although I can't see anything on there, currently. Must have sold or been withdrawn or I'm looking in the wrong place.
Its been withdrawn, only a GX8 for sale on that thread now.
Well, fair comment, but I don’t judge a picture purely on its technical quality. I look as well, possibly more, on its artistic qualities - composition, appeal, feeling. Of course, if it’s really out of focus, full of CA, distortion, then that will knock its score down. Some of my very best images were taken using the Canon EOS10D or 5D, which were certainly technically challenged .
But I think we’ve had this discussion before and each of us have our own priorities. :D

I see your point but photographers input like framing and picking the subject and any artistic content and appreciation don't really relate to the IQ you can get from a camera and if they did a Canon 20D would be the equal of a Sony A1 and clearly it isn't, the IQ of cameras like the 20D is IMO a limiting factor. Things like distortion and CA are a function of the lens and conditions so again not strictly IQ.

I'm sure pretty much everyone here does at least think about image quality otherwise we'd all still be using the first thing we got that sort of did the job rather than "upgrading" as so many people put it but some do upgrade for non IQ things such as focus ability.

Anyway. I just thought I'd ask if anyone knew.

For me, the GX80 and GX9 IQ seem pretty much indistinguishable although the GX9 does give a slightly bigger file and the G100 could well be as good as either of these or even a touch better. The GM5 is probably in the same IQ region too or at least very close so for me all my MFT cameras are possibly quite close IQ wise. I think the MFT gear I have may be slimmed down at some point and I doubt very much I'll be buying any more unless Panasonic or someone else bring out something like a GM5 II or something along those lines with better build quality (to fix the contamination under the glass issue) and as good as it gets for MFT IQ.
Panasonic G80 and 100-300mm lens
I did some messing about earlier, shooting the bird feeders from the bedroom window at half past three in awful cloudy dull light.
I think it taught me that for wildlife, I keep my shutter speed too high on dull days.
I never used to go below 1/500, and on winter afternoons just gave up trying to shoot nature, but I got to thinking that birds are often quite static so can I drop a lot further?

The bird feeder was moving slightly in the wind, but even at 1/250 the result was pretty good and looked acceptable to me after a little editing.
I even had one shot at 1/60 at about 3:40PM and if there had been a bird at the feeder, it would have worked out ok. Alright, I'm not talking stunning images that are clean and impressive, let's be realistic, but if it was a bird I wanted to capture, and it was still, I think I can go a lot lower on my SS than I have been to get a shot.
Panasonic G80 and 100-300mm lens
I did some messing about earlier, shooting the bird feeders from the bedroom window at half past three in awful cloudy dull light.
I think it taught me that for wildlife, I keep my shutter speed too high on dull days.
I never used to go below 1/500, and on winter afternoons just gave up trying to shoot nature, but I got to thinking that birds are often quite static so can I drop a lot further?

The bird feeder was moving slightly in the wind, but even at 1/250 the result was pretty good and looked acceptable to me after a little editing.
I even had one shot at 1/60 at about 3:40PM and if there had been a bird at the feeder, it would have worked out ok. Alright, I'm not talking stunning images that are clean and impressive, let's be realistic, but if it was a bird I wanted to capture, and it was still, I think I can go a lot lower on my SS than I have been to get a shot.
As you say, it does depend on how much the subject is moving, the OIS takes care of camera movement very well.

For gentle wind movement, 1/125 seems OK most times, and a short burst at 1/250 as you mention will usually get a good shot. (one shot will hopefully be at the end of a sway, when there is very little movement)
Haven't tried the 100-400 much since the days have got darker, the 100-300 is much nicer to use :)

If using JPEGs try the settings I posted the other day, and you will probably find you can use a higher ISO too.
It's difficult because birds can move so fast but if you're lucky and the bird or other creature is still dropping the shutter speed is an idea to keep the ISO down and the IQ up. I've managed lower double digit shutter speeds with the 100-400mm and IS but those speeds would be too slow if a creature where to move its head.
As you say, it does depend on how much the subject is moving, the OIS takes care of camera movement very well.

For gentle wind movement, 1/125 seems OK most times, and a short burst at 1/250 as you mention will usually get a good shot. (one shot will hopefully be at the end of a sway, when there is very little movement)
Haven't tried the 100-400 much since the days have got darker, the 100-300 is much nicer to use :)

If using JPEGs try the settings I posted the other day, and you will probably find you can use a higher ISO too.
I only ever shoot RAW, I didn't realise that JPeg can be better in low light?
Put a tentative bid on eBay for a G9 this morning - my bid was a whisker over £400, which (to date) has been my upper limit for camera expenditure. Didn't win, but only missed out by £40. I reckon in six months or so, they might be in range. Even MPB has one below £500 now. Alternatively, I'm still thinking of replacing my G80 with a better G80 if I can get one for £200. They're floating around just above that level, too. I'm wondering if after Christmas the stars may align with one or t'other... :)
There is one that is 195 at the moment and ends tomorrow.
I would avoid it, he avoids giving a shutter count, says he only uses it for video, but it will still have a shutter count, and a power cycle count :)

It is not so much the count that puts me off, it is the lack of openness when asked :)

He could mean that it has a very low count as it has only been used for video, or it could mean it has an extremely high count, but it doesn't matter because he only uses it for video.