Panning tests - first time.

Which means the taxis would have moved some three or four feet if your shutter speed had matched the zoom available. So what shutter speeds were you using?

Will check the exif when home, thanks for taking the time to reply.
I'd try to get the panning technique right without the monopod, Handheld all the way..
like the 2nd pic also, unusual subject, but good to practice on

A monopod is very good for the racetrack because you know that the subject in most cases will be x distance from you, travelling at x speed and will not vary that much. The monopod definitely provides a steady support for the camera, but does also requires some practise. On the other hand, say for aircraft where you don't know what height, distance extra, having a monopod is a waste of time


taken in poor light so using aperture priority of f6.3, shutter speed of 1/2000 and ISO 400.

The same can be said of panning handheld, this is not an easy thing to master and get consistant results without lots of practise. You also need to get the setting right, having the right shutter speeds or aperture for the lens and conditions. The best way to achieve this is to start at a higher shutter speed and slowly work you way down. Panning handheld at 1/50th..1/125 or 1/160 second does take some practice and looking at the images he posted, I would say that he was using too slower a shutter speed and his panning technique was not smooth hence the blury images even if he did achieve a sense of motion in the images.

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