Paris - Seine and Eiffel tower at night

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Taken last week from the pont Mirabeau, looking north up the river Seine.

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It's not quite as sharp as I'd like pixel peeping, didn't have a stand so was balancing on edge of bridge, petrified of the camera falling in the drink!

Can't decide whether the buildings on the right are considered distracting or not. In a way they are, but then I think they all add to the cityscape of Paris.

C&C welcome :)
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Something is distracting as it looks crooked and out of level...optical illusion ?
I was there from Thursday through Sunday but not for making images :) I like this. I did get a few through the day but I would have liked a walk at night.
Nicely composed, and the traffic trails on the left work well to balance the buildings on the opposite bank.

Really wanted to have been taken a little earlier though, to get some colour in the sky and a bit of detail in the buildings.
Thanks. I really need a wider angle. 24mm isn't enough!

I can try one night if I can leave work early enough to get some colour in the sky. Now the clocks have moved forward and the days are getting longer, it should be possible :)
Excellent shot, nicely balanced. I too would like to see an earlier take with a bit of light on the buildings, but this will do very nicely for now. Makes me want to go back there again!