Pedal Power Thread

@TriggerHappy - is the weather bad up your way that you need wider tyres this time of year? In London I've yet to see a flake of snow on my morning commute.

I'm also curious if 2mm makes a difference? I've never ridden a road bike before so these numbers are all new to me. With my mountain bike all I ever did was replace the knobbly tyres with slick-in-the-middles when I wasn't actually on a mountain! But it seems road bikes are more finicky with how you set them up.

The weather isn't especially bad. Cold and wet mainly. There's plenty of ice staying on the quiet country roads I usually ride, particularly where the hedges have kept them sheltered. The problem is when you a) can't see the ice or b) can't dodge the ice because it's a big patch or there's other things around you that stop you avoiding it.

The tyres make a small difference, obviously if you hit ice and don't do the right thing you're screwed regardless. The main reason I wanted them was for a softer ride than the 23s give. 23s can be punishing at times, and no faster where the road surface is poor. I suppose the change of tyre is as much the psychological confidence boost of having adjusted for winter roads. I'll also run them at a lower pressure to try and get a slightly larger contact surface on the road.

The nature of road tyres makes them pretty useless on anything other than smooth tarmac. As soon as you introduce ice/mud/grit they're a liability. In an ideal world I'd own a cyclocross bike as well so I could have some more all purpose tyres to ride on and forget about but I don't have the money for such an indulgence so it's a case of being sensible until the warmer weather comes!
I've been looking at switching out my tyres for the winter too. Hit some black ice on a ride the other night and went flying down the road, ouch!!
I like a good bike thread!

Here are my toys (sorry for the crummy garage-lit iphone photo). They're very different beasts :LOL: . I don't get out on the road bike as much as I should, chucking the other one around is too much fun! :D

I just had my 8 year old Rockhopper stolen from an indoor "secure" carpark at work. Got the guys on CCTV but the police weren't interested in viewing it.

Oh well, Xmas is coming early this year since I just ordered a new Specialized Roubaix! I don't mind that it has the entry-level groupset. I now have a half-decent frame to build upon.

I haven't been this excited since waiting for my 85L to arrive! :banana:


I'm jealous! Will be ordering a road bike I think just after Xmas if I can wait that long, still debating whether to get a Cyclocross, Road or Hybrid as will be used mostly for commuting but want to do some triathlons next year. Need a bike shed first and Mrs AKR has informed me the current hybrid is nto staying in the house much longer, and will not be joined by a new bike :(
I'm looking for a cyclocross bike at the moment (looking to buy 2nd hand). It'll be mainly for commuting purposes and maybe the odd longer ride in the unlikely event that I have a few hours spare!
Me too Neil.

Will stick a few more up of it later that I captured yesterday (playing with my lights before doing a family portraiture shoot) :)
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I should probably stay away from this thread as we have quite a selection of bikes in the garage/loft, I came to photography after quite a few years racing various cycling disciplines.
Currently we have 4x cyclocross (the main discipline) 1x time trial, 2x touring, 2x training/general road, 1x MTB, 2x track & a brompton
I should probably stay away from this thread as we have quite a selection of bikes in the garage/loft, I came to photography after quite a few years racing various cycling disciplines.
Currently we have 4x cyclocross (the main discipline) 1x time trial, 2x touring, 2x training/general road, 1x MTB, 2x track & a brompton
4x Cyclocross bikes you say... [see post #86]
TopBanana said:
4x Cyclocross bikes you say... [see post #86]

& none for sale, 2 are mine, and 2 are the wife's, having a little easing off the racing at the moment due to a toddler, but will be back on it in a couple of years
I've just bought a Boardman Team Urban mtb with slicks. I love it. First bike I've bought in a few years. It's very light (to me at least).

I also got a pair of clipless pedals...I absolutely love them. I'll never go back to normal pedals again. You can spin them over if you are nipping to the shops and its a flat pedal underneath if that makes sense?
2014 TDF Grand Depart is set for Yorkshire and heads down to London. The full route will be announced in a month's time. I am far too excited for that already!
Hope they make the most of the Dales, holiday as good as booked :):):):):):)
Bit of an update since page 1, got the new bars and grips on. Also updated the stem along the way and added some bender fenders and this week got a new Charge saddle.. She's not looking to bad for 15kg/33lb :)

P1000306 by neilgates, on Flickr

Deity Fantom 50mm stem, Crank Bros Iodine 2 AM bars 720mm, ODI Longneck grips.

P1000308 by neilgates, on Flickr

Gots me a new toolbox for the bike bits too :D

P1000309 by neilgates, on Flickr

Santa has a nice long list of parts too :woot:

Cracking looking bike there neil_g, must take a few photos of mine and get them posted! Love the blue of yours!

Quick question though, where did you get the fender benders from and are they fiddly to fit? Is the one you have on the front the same as the one at the far back then the one tucked inside the frame at the back a smaller version?

How effective are they at keeping you clean?
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Oh cool a biking thread! Here are some current-ish pictures of my rides.

The P1, such a great bike to jump and surprisingly light (12kg) considering the frame could dent a tank. I'd like to upgrade the the aluminium P3 sometime next year.

I've also got a Yeti 575, it's had a new drivetrain since this picture and lower rise bars. A proper trail ripper, I wouldn't have anything else.

I'd never of thought I'd still be riding 7 years after I got my first proper mountain bike and that I'd be riding some of the kit I could only dream of owning way back then.
interesting little watch..


mmm.. hope goodies :love:

Good stuff, just bought one of their bottom brackets for my race bike, nice to see you can replace the bearings, unlike Dura Ace...
neil_g said:
I'm hoping (no pun) to get some hope pro evo 2 based wheels for Xmas, can't beat the noise of a hope free hub :D

Quoted for truth :)

I have hope hubs and brakes on my old scoot :D
Does anyone on here use a Cross bike for commuting? I was planning on getting a Road bike, but a CX bike seems to be a good alternative option. The only racing I would do would be two or 3 triathlons a year, and I would not be remotely competitive in any of them except against myself and possibly a few friends.
akr said:
Does anyone on here use a Cross bike for commuting? I was planning on getting a Road bike, but a CX bike seems to be a good alternative option. The only racing I would do would be two or 3 triathlons a year, and I would not be remotely competitive in any of them except against myself and possibly a few friends.

If you're planning on commuting whatever the weather then a cross is probably the way to go, particularly if your route includes quieter routes less likely to be salted. Road bikes are obviously the fastest, but they're only at their best in the dry. They're also ok in the wet if used with caution. Any snow, ice, mud or gravel spells the end really. This means as well as having to be careful of the weather, a road bike also realistically rules out the use of canal paths etc. because they're typically a gravel surface.

Basically it all comes down to the tyres. Most road bikes don't have the clearance for anything over 25mm, although some will take 28. In terms of geometry though, nothing comes close to a road bike with drops in the handlebars for me. That's why I think a cross is the perfect compromise.
Cracking looking bike there neil_g, must take a few photos of mine and get them posted! Love the blue of yours!

Quick question though, where did you get the fender benders from and are they fiddly to fit? Is the one you have on the front the same as the one at the far back then the one tucked inside the frame at the back a smaller version?

How effective are they at keeping you clean?

sorry i completely missed this..

i got mine direct from

theyre not hard to fit, i found it easiest to loose fit them first until theyre in the right position then tighten up and trim the velcro.

theyre really good, the only problem i have is the rear occasionally buzzing the tyre but i think thats due to the slightly offset frame.
If you're planning on commuting whatever the weather then a cross is probably the way to go, particularly if your route includes quieter routes less likely to be salted. Road bikes are obviously the fastest, but they're only at their best in the dry. They're also ok in the wet if used with caution. Any snow, ice, mud or gravel spells the end really. This means as well as having to be careful of the weather, a road bike also realistically rules out the use of canal paths etc. because they're typically a gravel surface.

Basically it all comes down to the tyres. Most road bikes don't have the clearance for anything over 25mm, although some will take 28. In terms of geometry though, nothing comes close to a road bike with drops in the handlebars for me. That's why I think a cross is the perfect compromise.

Thanks, yes commuting in all weather (well wet not really snow or ice), london tarmac roads, nothing along canals at present however would like to start varying route to make it longer, and hopefully a bit more interesting in parts. Plenty of potholes, the state of some of the roads is shocking! I'd never considered a cross before but as you say they do seem the perfect compromise for someone who only wants one bike.
akr said:
Thanks, yes commuting in all weather (well wet not really snow or ice), london tarmac roads, nothing along canals at present however would like to start varying route to make it longer, and hopefully a bit more interesting in parts. Plenty of potholes, the state of some of the roads is shocking! I'd never considered a cross before but as you say they do seem the perfect compromise for someone who only wants one bike.

I should probably add that when looking at a cross pay attention to its gearing. Most cross bikes will have gears aimed at getting you up a muddy hill and as such, might not offer a fast enough gear for the road. Alternatively, if you're not the strongest of cyclists the lower gearing might be welcome for the tarmac hills.
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well, didnt get wheels for christmas but i did get a really nice set of hope M4 brakes. so been installing them this afternoon, just need to pop down the road tomorrow to get a couple of washers to space them out on the avid mounts and then install the new 203mm rotor on the front and swap the existing 185mm onto the rear. installed some nice goodridge gear cable too.

hoping to pick up some new wheels in the sales, probably not hope hubs though on my budget..
hoping to pick up some new wheels in the sales, probably not hope hubs though on my budget..

I know a lot of people love to hate them, but I only have good things to say about my Superstar wheels! They're an absolute bargain, come in just about every colour you can think of, and can withstand me talentlessly smashing through rock gardens and casing jumps all day :LOL: Still true as they day they were bought...

I reckon some white ones would like very nice on your Fuel (y)
I know a lot of people love to hate them, but I only have good things to say about my Superstar wheels! They're an absolute bargain, come in just about every colour you can think of, and can withstand me talentlessly smashing through rock gardens and casing jumps all day :LOL: Still true as they day they were bought...

I reckon some white ones would like very nice on your Fuel (y)

damn you (black on black though) :D

Hi Wheels! :)

Any of you been out in these tropical temps? Went out for a quick 30k last night, really nice riding under a beautiful clear night sky, had to keep a beady eye on the odd icy patch though.
Went out Monday on my commute and got soaked and icy cold coming home. To make matters worse I spent an extra 15 mins riding around Thorndon park (that I'd used to shave some time off!) trying to find a dogs owner!

Put me off riding this week but today would have been great. Tomorrow I want to take the MTB and ride home in possible snow but alas I cannot ride tomorrow due to personal commitments :(
My new bike should be waiting for me when I get home (assuming my wife agreed to sign for it :LOL:). Don't think I'll be venturing out onto the roads for quite a while though - would probably go up and down the kitchen a couple of times though to try it :D
I've not been out since the 1st of the month. The roads have been so icy I genuinely wouldn't feel safe and now I'm looking out the window at 4 inches of snow!