Pendle Hill Mono

Edit My Images
One from last month PP'd in Topaz Studio....


Dramatically splendid! Bravo Geoff :):):)
Thanks Kodiak, this was the first image I've tried processing using Topaz Studio, I had in mind those dramatic Ansel Adams black and white images, except being in Lancashire UK I had to photograph what was close to me. (For those unfamiliar with the area, Pendle Hill derives it's name from 3 different languages all meaning hill - Pen from Cumbric, hul/hyll Old English and modern English hill.)

I don't care much for the software… it is like a chisel,
just a tool. Your taste and skills make the difference.
That's a really well captured and processed shot. As I live in the area this really conveys a sense of what the moors and the environment are like and black and white certainly does suit photographs taken in East Lancs for some reason.
"Cracking" shot Sir, and very well presented with good PP.(y)

Lovely image. Some real drama in that sky.

I don't care much for the software… it is like a chisel,
just a tool
. Your taste and skills make the difference.

Have to say, I disagree with that opinion.
A carpenter wouldn't do well without their tools, or a sculpter, etc etc.
Nothing wrong with using tools to refine your images.
I really like this :)
Thanks everyone for all your comments. The original image was taken about 40 minutes before sunset, so the hill and the foreground had a really warm feel and colour to it, though those clouds were very mean and moody (as they often are). So whilst I liked the colour version, it didn't really say January... or really capture the feel of the place. Anyone who knows the area will know that it can be very bleak up here even in summer.
Then, you have no clue what you are talking about.
And you got a like for that?


Seriously? You referred to software as just a tool... dismissed it as such, yet clearly you employ them yourself.
Perhaps my post was liked by someone who agreed with it.

How about explaining what you meant instead of being facetious.
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Apologies @Ryewolf for the off-track direction.
Seriously? You referred to software as just a tool... dismissed it as such, yet clearly you employ them yourself.
Perhaps my post was liked by someone who agreed with it.

How about explaining what you meant instead of being facetious.
I think he (Kodiak QC) was actually giving praise in the use of the tools. To use the flip-side of your analogy, the tools are useless without a skilled carpenter. Basically he was complementing the processing, but your were rather quick to disagree with something you didn't appear to have read and understood.
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I think he (Kodiak QC) was actually giving praise in the use of the tools. To use the flip-side of your analogy, the tools are useless without a skilled carpenter. Basically he was complementing the processing, but your were rather quick to disagree with something you didn't appear to have read and understood.

We read it differently, then.
I understand it perfectly as I read it, thanks.