Pennine Way

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I've been forced into taking a week off work this week so I decided to do something good for me by going for a walk up Pen-y-ghent. The weather wasn't great but the walk was excellent and I saw this view on the way up:

I wish I could have changed the angle slightly so that the 3 rows of trees were continuous, but alas, a wall was in the way. It's also the first time I've tried using a longer focal length for landscapes and I quite like it :)
I really like this, the trees are vital to the composition as the scene would be bleak and flat without them, but they add great depth.
Looks like you have handled the exposure well too.
I enjoy using a longer focal length for landscapes, but it takes a bit more work compositionally to make the image work, with interest like the trees that accentuate the lay of the land, this works for me!