Perfact compact camara

Sorry, is this meant to be a question, or what?
No such thing as the perfect camera, just what's the most perfect for you. But as Stewart has said, a question usually has more structure to give us clues - or just to indicate you'd appreciate any help that might be offered.
That's not a question. It's just a statement. Get a compact system camera, some primes and stick it in manual.
Probably typed on a smartphone whilst doing something else with the other hand - not driving though, I hope ....
Maybe this is the start of a quiz.
alfbranch said:
Maybe this is the start of a quiz.

In which case I don't know the answer!
There isn't one! If there was, I'm pretty sure someone here would have found it. Quite apart from it not existing, one person's perfect camera wouldn't be ours. I would love something the size of the XF-1 with the lens range of my SLR lenses including when used on a CSC. It might also have interchangeable backs to allow film use as well as digital. It would also have a 100% OVF and it would be WYSIWYG. Oh, a sub £100 price tag would be nice too (but I could possibly stretch that a little if the lens was also constant f/1.8)...