Perseid meteor

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Taken on a long exposure through one of the domes at the Sussex Observatory. Lucky shot!

DSC_0773.jpg by baconrashers, on Flickr

Second shot is the Milky Way from a quiet field - perseid is faintly visible next to the Milky Way, bottom right. Was the first night I had ever attampted to shoot the Mily Way - in future, think I will take multiple exposures and stack...

DSC_0802.jpg by baconrashers, on Flickr
How many shots did you take that night? Lucky catches on both (and well exposed).

I managed to capture the Milky Way once when I was in the Lake District - probably more by luck than anything as I was new to it then.

I keep meaning to head out somewhere down this way (Surrey) to try and get a good capture of it. Will have to hunt out some locations on the light pollution map (y)
Thanks for posting these, my nearest future plan is to capture Milky Way, maybe you could shed some light onto what kind of environment it can be done best in. Thanks
These are both cool shots, but I have my doubts that they are meteors (particularly the first). Meteors tend to make a trail of increasing and then decreasing intensity, it would be strange to see a constant thickness trail. I'm not saying these aren't meteors, just that they might not be!
I agree. I took approx 200 shots on the 12th and I got 2 meteors, yet I got a fair few that looked this this. Nice captures though.