Pete Docherty

I think he's talentless (sorry, just don't see it). Unfortunately, like the majority of singers are, to me. And even for those who like(d) him, he's gone the way of Ozzy Osbourne and is now just a joke due to the drugs.

People like The Who have respect despite their not-quite-legal activities, because they were good. I daresay a lot of groups like Led Zep and Deep Purple and GnR and all the other rock/metal etc bands had some or all dabbling.
I don't recall any being questioned repeatedly over suspicious deaths....

Sid Vicious?

TBH, although I don't like Docherty (so am not that familiar with his work, I actually pity him rather than vilify his drug use. After recent trials, I was given morphine and it's horrible stuff! Really vivid nightmares (which have now stopped), sweats and other things but boy is it good for getting rid of pain! Not a drug I'm in a hurry to ever take again! Of course, my use was a medical necessity while his is "recreational" but I still pity him.
This is one of a few pieces of real genius that came out of Doherty. Unfortunately he fell hard into addiction and things have never reached the same level that were shown on the 2 Libertines albums.

I am not sure his story will end happily, in fact I suspect not. But, he is ill and whether you think he brought it on himself or not, getting clean is not easy no matter how famous you are and staying clean when a percentage of your fans want you to be a mess (to the point of throwing drugs on stage for him) makes it even harder.

I can see the similarities......




Not really a fair comparison though is it? Look at pictures of Dennis Wilson when he was off his face on coke and booze and it tells a very different story to the nice cleancut picture above. Brian Wilson suffered mental illness problems due to his use of drugs too.

I'm no lover of Pete Doherty btw, I don't think he's particularly talented and he behaves like a prize prat.
What have YOU got to do about it? :LOL:

Your post was referring to him throwing his life/talent away through drugs/drinks and that clean people don't get a chance. You've heard of Justin Beiber right?

Another little $£!(, equally dislikeable, just not the same reasons.:LOL:
in my eyes scum is reserved for rapists, pedophiles and men that beat up women :shake:
What about those who inject drugs into unconscious women? Or spray their blood at journalists?

I somehow missed all The Libertines stuff when it happened, and only really learned of Pete through his press coverage, so Babyshambles was the first thing of his I heard.
I'd heard people saying how good The Libertines were, and how he'd had poetry published when he was young, was this young prodigy, etc.. so went at it with expectations of being pleasantly surprised, but my overall reaction to Babyshambles was, "Is this it?". It was like a half arsed attempt at mediocrity. I've heard songs by The Libertines since, and it's not much better.

He was the poster boy for that generations fan base, just as Richard Ashcroft and Kurt Cobain were before him.