Photo frames


Judge Dredd
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I'm looking for some photo frames (8x12 and larger), and need to find a good place for them. I'm not looking to spend vast amounts of money, but i don't want complete rubbish either. ~£20+ is my price range, and i'm looking for wooden, black, ideally deepish frames. I have bought from Habitat in the past, but they don't have them anymore (and wont exist forever anyway!).

Where do you buy from?
We have a store near us called the Range (not sure if it's a national chain) but they do a wide variety of photo frames in lots of sizes (plus the inserts - think they're called appertures?) for a decent price. I've bought from there and quality seems ok. Hope this helps a little.
Make your own, easier than you think
There are plenty out there also. I use a local lady but have recently been looking around. These look OK but I have not used them..
Wilkinsons is another possibility for cheap frames

Wilkinsons moved over to very cheap "plastic glass" a couple of years ago which was pretty awful - do they supply their frames with standard glass now?

The reason I ask is that it seems increasingly difficult to find a supplier who will ship glass, many are moving to plastic glass which from my experience so far usually seems inferior to standard glass

