Photography Courses

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Hello there,
I am heavily considering taking a Course in Photography, so I am having a look round hoping to 'enroll' next year. I've been looking at the Amatuer Photographer's Course, albiet expensive it looks really good.
Has anyone on here done any of these Courses? I'd like to have some advice before I go all gun-ho on selecting a Course.

Or any other advice would be great, like local courses (I live in Suffolk). I'm a little lost so I would like some advice, it's something I reallly want to do. I just don't know where to start, really.

Thanks! :)
I suppose the obvious question Emita is what for... :shrug: ...would it be to further your hobby, a career move, some specialist subject or other... :thinking:

To give guys a fair chance of assisting it would be great to know what you want to get out of a course... ;)

I suppose the obvious question Emita is what for... :shrug: ...would it be to further your hobby, a career move, some specialist subject or other... :thinking:

To give guys a fair chance of assisting it would be great to know what you want to get out of a course... ;)


I should've said that first shouldn't I? I am a pleb.

Ideally, I want to turn it into a career. Being a failed Design Student I've always felt Photography was best for me, I've always enjoyed it and it has been a serious hobby. And I do want to make money out of it, I feel as though theres some talent in there.

Happy? Jokes. :p
I am a pleb.

You certainly are not... :shrug: least as far as your question and the missing bits of info go but I can't vouch otherwise in general terms... :D

So... we have a potential career move which is all very well but how far 'down the road' are you... :shrug: ...complete beginner, keen hobbyist amateur with a few years behind you and I suppose finally, for now, what branch of photography, if any, floats your boat... :thinking:

Soz about all the Q's but we need to have something to go on... ;)

im currently doing his one ..its got a very good write up and is very inexpensive ...$98 which works out just over £60....its a great course and after you completed this you can go on to a better one which covers weddings ..might be worth a go in the same boat however i havent got the money to go and buy a 200- 300 lens to do the job right...i will get a bit of money behind me then go full throttle


You certainly are not... :shrug: least as far as your question and the missing bits of info go but I can't vouch otherwise in general terms... :D

So... we have a potential career move which is all very well but how far 'down the road' are you... :shrug: ...complete beginner, keen hobbyist amateur with a few years behind you and I suppose finally, for now, what branch of photography, if any, floats your boat... :thinking:

Soz about all the Q's but we need to have something to go on... ;)


I've been interested in Photography for about 4 years, ever since my Dad got me my first SLR. And I do take it seriously, look at my Flickr if you want to see how serious.

I really like Macro Photography and Concert Photography. And I'd like to haev passes so I can get work in magazines and such. I'd say I am at intermediate level but just lack qualifications to match really.
I signed up for the AP Course just over 2 years ago - I was very disappointed and thought that it was a complete waste of money - my opinion is that you could learn more from a book and get more feedback and critique from photographer friends and your local photographic club. My advice, don't sign up for the AP course.
Sign up for an evening course with you local college, the courses are cheap, they have darkrooms and studios you can use, you get to meet other photographers and you will get a recognisable qualification at the end of it.
Looking at your photos on flickr I don't think you'll get anything out of a general course. You can clearly take a good photograph and I wonder why you think you need a qualification?

If you are wanting to make a career out of photography - I'd suggest a business skills course would be better for you. In addition start networking in the music scene to get the passes and start getting your photos published