Photography Morals

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Hi folks
yesterday I went along to a local kite festival in the grounds of a country estate also going on was a rather plush wedding (very expensive) with Helicopter and Rolls Royces etc

the setting is totally stunning and I saw the chopper and the kites I thought maybe a good picture here if I can catch the chopper in the air with a bunch of the fancy kites behind them

so while sat waiting for the chopper to take off I snapped about half a dozen 'Long Range' images of the wedding party in the grounds being photographed by the official photographer

did not give much thought to the images till I started editing them this afternoon and I burst into Laughter at my PC my wife shouts upstairs to my PC room 'whats tickled you'

and I have caught the Bride of honour turning away from the other wedding guests and having a good old 'Nose pick'
and I must admit I found it hilarious seeing her all 'dressed up' with her finger planted up her nose
yes I know its childish of me blah blah
but my wife said you surely are not going to post that on the internet - I was fully intending to just post it and no doubt some would find it amusing and others would 'scold' me for embarrassing the poor woman

its not even a great picture just funny (to me) so are my morals of a low standard for finding it so funny and wanting to post such an image

I know if it were me that had been 'caught out' I would be pretty upset at it being pasted all over the net

must add that the images were actually shot from a public footpath and not on private property and I don't know any one involved

my wife thinks the image is funny but says it is pretty nasty to post it
- so I have decided against posting it

would you have posted it??

be very interested in seeing what morals we photogs really have
Morals? Someone picket there nose? Am I in the right room here?
I suppose the thing to think about is, suppose it was your daughter or one of your family? Would you want that kind of picture posted in public? I'd just keep it for my own amusement tbh.
Simple decision in my book, treat others like I would like to be treated. If you would be upset if it was you that was caught out then there's your answer surely.
1. I don't find that particularly funny so you have a low sense of humour.
2. You were thinking about embarassing someone, and possibly spoiling the memories of her wedding day so you have low morals.

Perhaps you could get a job with The News of the World.
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Simple decision in my book, treat others like I would like to be treated. If you would be upset if it was you that was caught out then there's your answer surely.

I absolutely agree with you.'s not even a good picture

Says it all. Why post something that's not your best work (IMHO).

Oh and some of the comments on here are a little over the top and nasty. Let's keep it friendly folks
boogie man said:
I suppose the thing to think about is, suppose it was your daughter or one of your family? Would you want that kind of picture posted in public? I'd just keep it for my own amusement tbh.

Am I the only one seeing the irony here?!
1. I don't find that particularly funny so you have a low sense of humour.
2. You were thinking about embarassing someone, and possibly spoiling the memories of her wedding day so you have low morals.

Perhaps you could get a job with The News of the World.

1. You are not, and never will be an arbiter of humour, so keep that to yourself
2. I doubt the bride of honour browses TP, and even if she does I doubt she's so insecure that a single photograph of her picking her nose would cause such mental turmoil to scar the memory of her friends/sister's wedding.

Perhaps you could take some lessons in reading comprehension?

Anyway, I wouldn't post it. As you said, it isn't a good photo anyway.
Dont think any major harm would come from posting,but if the not very good,(the photo),wouldnt want to post :)
I don't really know why someone would even consider posting an image like this on the internet.
A "long range shot", taken without permission, presumably the OP does not know the person in question, very "unflattering", would not be a very pleasant experience for the bride (?), Maid of honour (?) if the picture was viewed by a lot of people.
There are so many good images to take, why bother with the distasteful ones?
andy700 said:
I don't really know why someone would even consider posting an image like this on the internet.
A "long range shot", taken without permission, presumably the OP does not know the person in question, very "unflattering", would not be a very pleasant experience for the bride (?), Maid of honour (?) if the picture was viewed by a lot of people.
There are so many good images to take, why bother with the distasteful ones?

I guess because the shot is unusual.

It is different to the normal wedding shot.

Some will find it amusing, some will find it offensive.

Art is like this, maybe that's why it should be posted? Personally, I couldn't care less either way though!

The bride might even find it amusing herself.
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I don't think it is different to any other candid shot. If it was well composed and had a narrative to it (which it probably does, given the incongruity) I don't see the problem.
I agree with all your points apart from this one.

Good and distasteful can often be the same.

Yes, I see what you are saying, I shouldn't have added that. There are many great images, iconic even, which are based on human suffering, also the documentation of important events, irrespective of how they make us feel.
I guess because the shot is unusual.

It is different to the normal wedding shot.

Some will find it amusing, some will find it offensive.

Art is like this, maybe that's why it should be posted? Personally, I couldn't care less either way though!

The bride might even find it amusing herself.

But she has not invited the actions of an unknown photographer, and she would not have given permission for the image to be used.
It would therefore be a direct breach of her privacy.
But she has not invited the actions of an unknown photographer, and she would not have given permission for the image to be used.
It would therefore be a direct breach of her privacy.

What 'privacy' is this? What 'permission' is this?
But she has not invited the actions of an unknown photographer, and she would not have given permission for the image to be used.
It would therefore be a direct breach of her privacy.

I keep reading on here that if you are on public land you can take pics of who or what you like so this would come under this sort of thing.
I do not agree with the fact people can take your pic and you have no rights as to wether you want it to be taken or not but thats the way it is.

I say post the pic and lets all have a laugh, (oh apart from the people who would not find it funny):)

andy700 said:
But she has not invited the actions of an unknown photographer, and she would not have given permission for the image to be used.
It would therefore be a direct breach of her privacy.

But she was being photographed all day by probably hundreds of 'photographers'! this single shot therefore could never by described as a breach of her privacy or in anyway intrusive.
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I say post the pic and lets all have a laugh, (oh apart from the people who would not find it funny):)

So you see nothing wrong in posting a picture of someone you do not know, on a public forum, simply in order that you can ridicule them.
That has nothing to do with humour, it is just sick and cowardly.
andy700 said:
So you see nothing wrong in posting a picture of someone you do not know, on a public forum, simply in order that you can ridicule them.
That has nothing to do with humour, it is just sick and cowardly.

While I wouldn't want to see someone ridiculed on a public forum (that would clearly be unfair) there is a difference in posting something for amusement and something for ridicule. I still maintain, most brides would probably find it amusing themselves.
If she was to find it insulting or degrading or whatever, she shouldn't have been picking her nose in the first place! :p :LOL:

I think some people need to lighten up, lot of other things more important than this to be worrying about!
But she has not invited the actions of an unknown photographer, and she would not have given permission for the image to be used.
It would therefore be a direct breach of her privacy.

So you see nothing wrong in posting a picture of someone you do not know, on a public forum, simply in order that you can ridicule them.
That has nothing to do with humour, it is just sick and cowardly.

That's a little insulting, rude and over the top in my opinion.

Did you complain of the Rihanna photos of the wind blowing her skirt up and showing her knickers? Certainly the press liked them.

What you can't do with an image is misrepresent. The obvious ones that stand out are the mobile phone company using a picture from someones flickr with comments along the lines of 'she's got no friends'. The other is a closeup shot of a football crowd for a viagra advert with the tagline, one in 10 men have erectile dysfunction.

Simply showing a photo of someone performing a natural act isn't necessarily disrespectful.

Have a few more from a simple google:
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So you see nothing wrong in posting a picture of someone you do not know, on a public forum, simply in order that you can ridicule them.
That has nothing to do with humour, it is just sick and cowardly.

Andy its nice to see you only quoted my post so you could have yet another go at something that is totally legal to do, I notice you did not even bother to read the bit where I said i do not agree with this sort of pic, or any street photography, but that is my opinion others do it I do not.(y)

as the link above shows people are having these pics taken all the time, do you write into every mag/paper about these?

This scenario is funny in a way she turned away from the regular photo togs to have a good old clean out but got caught by someone else, that is the funny side of it, not that she did it, he was not going to post it on her wall on facbook so all her friends could laugh at it, that is ridicule.(y)

Andy its nice to see you only quoted my post so you could have yet another go at something that is totally legal to do, I notice you did not even bother to read the bit where I said i do not agree with this sort of pic, or any street photography, but that is my opinion others do it I do not.(y)

as the link above shows people are having these pics taken all the time, do you write into every mag/paper about these?

This scenario is funny in a way she turned away from the regular photo togs to have a good old clean out but got caught by someone else, that is the funny side of it, not that she did it, he was not going to post it on her wall on facbook so all her friends could laugh at it, that is ridicule.(y)


Spike, the OP said in the original post:

"I know if it were me that had been 'caught out' I would be pretty upset at it being pasted all over the net"

I think that there are serious issues with consideration for other people (not that many who have posted so far seem to have ANY consideration), and it seems that as the media seem to think anyone and anything is "fair play", then a lot of people follow like sheep, and think it is acceptable to act that way.
There is a World of difference about how you behave with mates or relations, but when it is a total stranger, then I think they deserve a little bit of respect.
That's a little insulting, rude and over the top in my opinion.

Did you complain of the Rihanna photos of the wind blowing her skirt up and showing her knickers? Certainly the press liked them.

If you think that is rude, insulting and OTT, why don't you see anything wrong with the OP, which was far worse. I have simply stated a fact about a certain kind of behaviour.
As for Rihanna ????? No idea, didn't see it, not interested.
The press like a lot of things, but as recent events have shown, they have a questionable set of standards.
But she has not invited the actions of an unknown photographer, and she would not have given permission for the image to be used.
It would therefore be a direct breach of her privacy.

This is a bit silly,when your outside anywhere that not your house,in a way their is no privacy,also say one of the guest saw the same thing,and took a photo also,would he be breaching her privacy.

Dont be silly ever since cameras video or still,have been about whenever you do something in public,at some point someone mine catch that moment.

With all that going on in the world,i dont think someone being caught with their finger up their nose,is going to bring on the end of the world :D
If you think that is rude, insulting and OTT, why don't you see anything wrong with the OP, which was far worse. I have simply stated a fact about a certain kind of behaviour.
I thought you calling someone sick and cowardly uncalled for and insulting.
You can disagree with someone and make your case, but there's no need for insults. It's supposed to be a friendly forum.

As for Rihanna ????? No idea, didn't see it, not interested.
The press like a lot of things, but as recent events have shown, they have a questionable set of standards.

Nope not press, a member on here.
I honestly dont know why people are twisting their knickers. I don't remember any public outcry from all the embarrassing wedding moments featured on You've Been Framed?
I honestly dont know why people are twisting their knickers. I don't remember any public outcry from all the embarrassing wedding moments featured on You've Been Framed?

I agree
and to have one calling me sick and cowardly is quite frankly beyond the pale
over a bit of humorous banter

Andy700 I find your comments rude and insulting
I started this thread with a bit of humor in mind and to be called such names by you when you dont know me at all is not nice

Mods would you mind closing and deleting this thread please
Seems like a possible contradiction??

I would say that most private estates have public footpaths/bridleways running on their land. The ones I have access to certainly have public footpaths on them.
bride of honour?

Is that "Chief bridesmaid?" or whatever. Someone important but not the bride?