Photography show @ NEC

Strange. I applied for a pro ticket a few weeks back and a few days later received an email confirming it had been approved. No sign of a physical ticket though.
Thanks for your replies. I'll give it another day or two then email them if still not received.
Going to look at stuff like bags, tripods etc its good as you can visit manufacturers trade stands, and some talks were good at focus too. I've had a look at the photographers who are doing talks but there is not enough talks that I'm interested in on the same day to make it worth £13-15, £10 parking plus £15 petrol. I can see why pro's go with free tickets but Im going to spend the time and money out shooting that weekend instead, already have a weekend planned with friends. My bank balance may thank me missing this show too ;).
I have my trade pass..
No ticket for me yet....plenty of time for it to get here yet though.
I'm going to go. Looking at turning Pro, so need all the advice I can get.
Are there any people from the South Wales area going to this on the Saturday?
My ticket has now arrived.
I'm going as I am already attending a different trade show on the same day.
Does anyone have any idea as to what kind of discounts may be available on items such as nikon bodies.
What did people experience at the last show?
i got mine late last week. I'm going on the Sunday as i wanted to see Joe McNally speak and can't make the Monday or Tuesday :) This thread has reminded me to go and book that session, £10 to hear him speak but at least i know i'll get in and with free entry to the event i shouldn't complain too much :) he is a little bit of a hero of mine :LOL:
Wow! .. just gone through this whole thread and to be honest its a f***ing wonder there's a photography industry at all considering how much NEGATIVITY the so called "PRO'S on this forum have thrown at the "photography show@NEC" !!!!
things like:
free entry for pro's ..followed by "and so it should be"!!! they owe you something!:confused:
slagging off people who have the AUDACITY to take a camera to a photography show :mad: WTF
got my "free" ticket dunno if i will go ...seems a bit pointless :dummy1:

i could go on!! ..but frankly its the same story (and the same people) every time i click onto this forum! ...

there might be young "budding" photographers just starting out reading this drivel ... what a great welcome... those who just want to slag the show off why not do the industry a massive favour and shove your FREE TICKETS up your very own a**e
slagging off people who have the AUDACITY to take a camera to a photography show :mad: WTF

If you'd been to Focus On Imaging you'd know the sort we were referring to, not just bringing a camera, but every lens, and piece of kit they own, to an event with minimal, if anything, to photograph, in crowded exhibition halls, with dubious colour temperature lighting. The only thing they ever seemed to photograph was the models on the demo stands, which was silly as without the lighting trigger the host was using they would get crappy poorly lit shots of a model not looking at the camera. It really was tragic, and in complete contrast to Photokina where everyone seemed a lot more businesslike.

I am looking forward to the show, and hope it is a great success for the exhibitors, visitors and organisers, so no negativity there, just some mickey taking of those who roundly deserved it.
Mark, your comments on this thread were well put and constructive, i enjoy reading your stuff and likewise your images are stunning! ... you are obviously passionate about the industry, and rightly so as you make a living from it.
in every "hobby" there are the noobs or "all the gear no idea" brigade. these people however silly they look are quite welcome to do their "thing"

just saying maybe people should stop being critical about the show (however crap it turns out to be' as many have written it off all ready)

hopefully i can make it to the show depending on working commitments and family commitments .... would love a free ticket but i'm a "Joe public" so happy to pay the entry fee
Does anyone have any idea as to what kind of discounts may be available on items such as nikon bodies.
What did people experience at the last show?

There will be lots of signs advertising "huge show discounts" but do your homework, last year I managed to find everything I wanted still cheaper or at least the same price, online including delivery.

I'm going just to have a nosey at presentation products etc, things I can't get touchy feely with online :)

Would be nice if they did away with the scantily clad girls on the lighting stands, reduce the perv factor, and make me feel slightly less embarrassed to be a male.

Oh and remember, the show may be free, but if you travel by car, the parking charge is daylight robbery!

*ETA bit miffed that Rankin is only there on the Sat and Sun, would like to have seen him.
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There will be lots of signs advertising "huge show discounts" but do your homework, last year I managed to find everything I wanted still cheaper or at least the same price, online including delivery.

I'm going just to have a nosey at presentation products etc, things I can't get touchy feely with online :)

Would be nice if they did away with the scantily clad girls on the lighting stands, reduce the perv factor, and make me feel slightly less embarrassed to be a male.

Oh and remember, the show may be free, but if you travel by car, the parking charge is daylight robbery!

*ETA bit miffed that Rankin is only there on the Sat and Sun, would like to have seen him.
Well, when they announced the show they said that none of the exhibitors would be allowed to do these demos. So we breathed a sigh of relief because, as you rightly say, they largely resulted in crowds of people just looking at the girls - sad:)
But then that requirement was quietly dropped. My guess is that some exhibitors weren't prepared to pay to use the live stage.

We, BTW, are doing it properly - no lighting demos on our stand, we have booked the live stage for each day, and no girls wearing bikinis 2 sizes too small for them either - we're demonstrating with a team of kickboxers, basically to show the capabilities of our SuperFast flashes.

And we are also the official supplier of lighting equipment to the show, with our equipment supplied for use of everyone who is using the live stage.

As for discounts, I've now been told that we will have a show discount, and it will be a genuine one that applies to every product we have, not just to obsolete items.
Would be nice if they did away with the scantily clad girls on the lighting stands, reduce the perv factor, and make me feel slightly less embarrassed to be a male.

*all the likes in the world*

Makes me rather uncomfortable at events that are supposed to be welcoming to all. Certainly makes me not want to buy the products of those people.
I wonder whether Aaduki (insurers) will have their usual team of guys in two-sizes-too-small Speedos?
I'm going and it's my first ever trade show. Mainly going to look at album suppliers as currently use GF Smith but would like another option to sit alongside it, and I've heard there will be a few suppliers there so I can look at their products.
Also going to network with a few local wedding togs I know are going with someone I know, so it'll be a chance to be introduced to them and build up some contacts.
All tickets arrived, Yay!!! i love the show. £7 or £8 quid parking? who cares. Everything you want to see or try is there......

Love it! Love it!. It's a day out too.

If you dont want the food take a sarnie........

Nice indian places are just a short drive away for dinner after the show :)
Can't go now as I'll be abroad, so I've donated my ticket. Shame looked a good line up of speakers, events and exhibitors.
Going on the Saturday (may change if I get a booking for that day), tickets arrived last week, parking is £10 but don't mind paying after all the tickets were free!

Wasn't even going to bring any cameras to be honest, half tempted to bring my 6D as may trade it in to get a 5D mark iii but I know I would be better to sell it privately. Also some good potential suppliers / networking opportunities.
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Can't decide between this and the GB Guitar Show at Bingley Hall...
Can't decide between this and the GB Guitar Show at Bingley Hall...

Me too, a couple of good events to choose from, although I think the photo show is just in the lead as there are other guitar shows this year. Trouble is, following surgery last Friday, I'm not sure I can get to either event, just hoping I feel fit by the weekend.

I'm leaning towards the guitar show, though may not go to either..

I hope you recover fully from your surgery soon.
I hope you can book super stage on the day. I wasn't sure which days I'm going so couldn't do it all online. McNally seminar is tempting

I have signed up for Rankin - better be good!

Also I would love a cheap Sigma 35mm... or good deals on lighting
Thought about going, but decided I would rather spend the money on rail fare to go somewhere and take some photos, prefer the fresh air and a bit of exercise to being inside a crowded exhibition hall.

So Keighley and Worth Valley Railway it is tomorrow, bit of a trek, but hopefully a pleasant day out and maybe even some half decent photos (or there again maybe not)

Having read this thread the thought of some pervy types with loads of gear snapping scantily dressed young women does sound unpleasant. Sure the vast majority are nothing like that, but the Partidgesque characters described have put me right off.
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Hi Rich - they are are pathetic and a bit tragic than anything else… don't think they realise how sad/bad it looks…. still look forward to a play with a load of kit. Might buy a few bits and bobs.

Thought about going, but decided I would rather spend the money on rail fare to go somewhere and take some photos, prefer the fresh air and a bit of exercise to being inside a crowded exhibition hall.

So Keighley and Worth Valley Railway it is tomorrow, bit of a trek, but hopefully a pleasant day out and maybe even some half decent photos (or there again maybe not)

Having read this thread the thought of some pervy types with loads of gear snapping scantily dressed young women does sound unpleasant. Sure the vast majority are nothing like that, but the Partidgesque characters described have put me right off.