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A few shots from a great day's shooting at the Photogravity event on Sunday. Great riding, trails and weather don't all come together that often in Scotland!


20D with 10-22 at the wide end panned and 2nd curtain synced 420ex flash.
Exposure Comp at -2 and flash comp -1


1D mkIII 70-200. Pocket Wizard+580ex down at rider's left(camera right) at full power to fill in very dark shadows from shooting back-lit rider. Ambient knocked down 1 stop iirc.


1D mkII 70-200. Pocket Wizard+580ex on bank at rider's right, power knocked back and iso cranked up as light was very low in the trees. Ambient knocked down 1.33 stops iirc

More details here and the full flickr set here.

Hope you like'em, I'm reasonably happy with these ones and, although there were some royal **** ups that I'm going to be kicking myself over for a while yet, it was a relaxed and successful day all things considered.

There were a few other photographers from here up there too so it was nice to put a few faces to names.

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awesome set mate.
Thanks guys, glad you like them.

Typically #3 is my favourite, probably because it's a more "technical" image than the others. This is one of the reasons I put stuff up on here: it's good to get a detached view on your images. Despite trying not to, I find I consider how much work I put in to get something to work as well as the finished result when looking for favourites from a shoot. It can be difficult to "step back" and just look at the pics sometimes. That's where you lot come in ;o)

Not sure I've ever had my mountain bike stuff considered "cute" before either, thanks Yv!

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Some very nice shots there. Its a good sport to photograph.

loving number one. very nice indeed. has made me decide to go out with some friends this afternoon on our bikes!

good work
Im sorry but do not wear your body armour without a jersey, especially 661 stuff.
Number 3 for me.
Im sorry but do not wear your body armour without a jersey, especially 661 stuff.
:shrug: Each to their own I guess :shrug: There was a definite lack of coloured shirts that day too.Think I'll take along a "loaner" tops of my own next time I shoot something like this.
Number 3 for me.
Ta, I agree, and as above, he'll be in blue/red next time around (and there'll be a little more ambient left in too.)

Too much black on the circuit these days, now as much as i like wearing it, if you wanna get noticed, dont wear it.
Nice set, went to Whistler last year - these kids are nuts!