Photojournalistic work

hello jack
i had a look at your website.
overall i think your website looks very professional, clean and concise
i think a lot of your photos are very good particularly "Ghurka veteran with his family at protest".
i think the Ghurka pics could have done with some more concentration on the medals these noble people have won. ie playing on the relationship that they were good enough to fight on our behalf and now THEY need something......
i think some of the pics need a context on the shooting on the streets page. (i note some do have this). maybe a sub section would help?
i think your remembrance pics are excellent though you might have spelt remembrance wrongly...

i think these areas you work in are so important. keep up the good work.
i hope this is too negative and wish you all the luck in the world
Thanks very much for your feedback, and well done noticing the typo.

I have my girlfriend proofread my writing for me usualy because my spelling can be somewhat awfull at times so i'l change that asap! I thought on the whole it was quite positive and im glad you like my work.

Im trying to keep it updated with all the work im shooting lately but its difficult because the clikpic upload and captioning process takes so long.

Cheers for taking a look. Photojournalism is after all useless if people arent looking at your stuff ;)
Thanks for taking the words in the way they were meant.
I take it your proof-reading won't be getting her cash bonus this year!
Best regards
Just one point Jack. I know we're a members only forum but on another (members only) forum I moderate, we had a couple of people who put their contact numbers in their sigs like you have done, and they had no end of trouble with prank calls and spam.

Just worth considering.
the site is left aligned in Firefox..but very nice
Hi Jack,

Welcome to TP and thanks for sharing your work. I admire your ethos and motivation.

A little feedback. The website is good but as others have mentioned, it needs a thorough spellcheck and some punctuation in places. The i's should be capitalised too.

Keep up the good work :)


Thanks for the feedback everybody, i shall do a thorough proof reading when i have time but im glad everybody likes my work.

glad to be here. :)
Welcome to the forum (y)

I find your photojournalist work inspiring, I want to be a photojournalist when I grow up :D

(if I ever do!)