Picked up my new camera today....a GF1

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What's the software Robb? I could lend you one of my remotes btw - if you get one off ebay from HK you probably won't have it for the weekend.

Software is Dynamic Photo HDR.
Bit more involved than Photomatix.

Cheers for the offer, but im hospital from lunch today till thursday(steroids to help with MS relapse) and dont know what state i'll be in afterwards. Quite a few side effects to look out for/enjoy.

So GF1 away for a few days and iPhone instead. Got plasticbullet, shakeit and Photoshop Mobile to play with on the iphone.
Wish you well mate, hope all goes well, sure it will, amazing what they can do these days.

I look forward to more pics on your GF1 soon
Best wishes for a speedy recovery...and if there are any pretty nurses bag a picture! :love: :LOL:
Cheers folks.
Hopefully the 3 lots of steroids should help to settle the MS down. Make take a week or 4 for them to work.
At least hospital is local and its a private hospital as well.

Just downloaded Hipstamatic now, can see this iPhone camera stuff costing me now. But its fun to play with.
Messing around with some off camera flash - not the most flattering self portraits and I know I need a shave... :)


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Left till Christmas could get a Father Christmas job:LOL:

Liked pic no:2 mate.
Lol at the comments. What's your off camera set up? My nikon D80 was great for off camera stuff. Was all built in when you used the SB-600.
Hospital is fun. Lots of sitting around. Playing with iPhone to pass the time.
Side effects are fun NOT!
Lol at the comments. What's your off camera set up? My nikon D80 was great for off camera stuff. Was all built in when you used the SB-600.
Hospital is fun. Lots of sitting around. Playing with iPhone to pass the time.
Side effects are fun NOT!
Time to hunt down a nice mini tripod now as well. Found some remote releases on fleabay, so just need something better than my 20 yr old piece of junk tripod.
Plus i can get out and shoot with GF1 again. Missed it while being in hospital.
Saying that, the iPhone can take a decent pic.

This was created in "shakeit"

If you dont like needles, dont click.

Glad they let you out :)

btw I just got a gorillapod - just like the SLR Zoom version but only $12 from dealextreme. With a mini ball-head it's awesome. Holds the G1 and 45-200 just fine.
Yes, it is well lovely, but you'll get bored of it/it will get superceded well before the cows come home.
Glad they let you out :)

btw I just got a gorillapod - just like the SLR Zoom version but only $12 from dealextreme. With a mini ball-head it's awesome. Holds the G1 and 45-200 just fine.

Can't find it on their site have you a link to it ....$12 sounds a fantastic price

Delivery takes a week or two (from HK) but no problems otherwise - well worth $12 imo.

Works really well with a mini ball head - I've got one similar to this, though this is a little heavier.


Mine is a redsnapper one which came with a monopod and you don't seem to be able to buy them separately.

BTW I'm sorry you are having trouble selling your lens - you could try the forums over at mu-43.com - I had some interest in mine there.
Finally picked up the GF1 again this weekend and typical Saturday raining as well.
Still got this to keep me amused/A&E busy.

That larger Gorila-pod looks fun and mated to the redsnapper ballhead as well.
Guess im going to have to sit down and list what kit i need, though im trying to keep things as light as possible.
Looked at the 45-200 in local Wilkinsons Camera and it looks "huge".
Might have to go 14-45 which is tempting for the wider side of things.
How is the 14-45 across the range and at f/ stops?
Glad to see you back in service again...:)

Liked the pic of the bike......on one like that reckon you are a customer for A&E ;)
He that recumbent looks like fun!

Never really tested across different zoom/f stops but I've always found the 14-45mm good at pretty much any setting.

Playing around with the dynamic B+W mode again today - straight out of the camera jpeg - no processing. With the Konica Hexanon 40mm 1.8 at f2.8

Hey guys, just checking in. How many of us left with a gf1?
I notice a few defectors to the G1 and I think AndyWest has gone to the Pen dark side :bonk:

Some superb shots as ever over the last few weeks
Nice to see you up again Alan...what about some pics !

I have both G1 and GF1 now, both great cameras can't decide yet which is best.
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Hey guys, just checking in. How many of us left with a gf1?
I notice a few defectors to the G1 and I think AndyWest has gone to the Pen dark side :bonk:

Some superb shots as ever over the last few weeks

I haven't defected to the G1, just bought one to increase flexibility of my Panasonic lenses. I still love the GF1

Sorry seems defector was the wrong word to use :bonk:

Interesting that the G1 is seen as better value and quality alternative than the EVF

I still have my GF1 and 7D - been doing some soul searching over the last few weeks, think I'm having a midlife crisis or something :thinking:

Want to get out and take some pics until it comes to the point of leaving the house !

Summer seems to have crept off again which is also not helping :thumbsdown:

{lurk mode on again}
Sorry seems defector was the wrong word to use :bonk:

Interesting that the G1 is seen as better value and quality alternative than the EVF

I still have my GF1 and 7D - been doing some soul searching over the last few weeks, think I'm having a midlife crisis or something :thinking:

Want to get out and take some pics until it comes to the point of leaving the house !

Summer seems to have crept off again which is also not helping :thumbsdown:

{lurk mode on again}

Turn that "Lurk Mode" OFF;)
Lets see some pics with your GF1(y)
Yeah get posting some pics!

BTW how do you find the 7d? Been wondering about getting an SLR one day to complement my M4/3 cameras :)
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Sorry seems defector was the wrong word to use :bonk:

Interesting that the G1 is seen as better value and quality alternative than the EVF

I still have my GF1 and 7D - been doing some soul searching over the last few weeks, think I'm having a midlife crisis or something :thinking:

Want to get out and take some pics until it comes to the point of leaving the house !

Summer seems to have crept off again which is also not helping :thumbsdown:

{lurk mode on again}

I actively go out in search of bad weather, sometime you get things like this appear in front of you...


GF1 with 20mm 1.7
Yeah get posting some pics!

BTW how do you find the 7d? Been wondering about getting an SLR one day to complement my M4/3 cameras :)

To be honest it is an amazing camera - autofocus is very flexible and fast, but it is just wasted on me at the moment.

Seriously considering selling it and sticking with the GF1 or selling both and getting something else like GH1
Very nice KayJay

To be honest it is an amazing camera - autofocus is very flexible and fast, but it is just wasted on me at the moment.

Seriously considering selling it and sticking with the GF1 or selling both and getting something else like GH1

Let me know if you end up selling it. :)

Just been thinking for action stuff the GF1 AF is a little slow, and using external wireless flashes etc isn't as easy. There is also not much choice of (reasonably priced) lenses at the long and wide ends.

Probably famous last words but I just can't imagine selling my GF1 ever though - I like just picking it up and playing around with it without even taking a pic. Sad I know. :wacky:
I went to a small local park where there used to be squirrels, spent some time taking pics of Ducks etc on the pond but no sign of a Squirrel, I was well disappointed.

Nice pic Digital Relish
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