Picking a single focus point on the D7000

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Hi all,

Feel a bit stupid asking this question. I have a newly purchased D7000 and can't find how to move from automatic focus points to manually choosing a single one! Didn't get a manual with it but dowloaded it and I cant work it out :shrug:

Sorry if this is a stupid question but want to take portraits and thefore focus on the eyes.


press the little button on the middle of the focus lever ( next to lens ), rotate back dial to change from auto-A to auto_s, rotate front dial to select single point
use d-pad to move focus point.

see page 91 onwards in the manual
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Not a stupid question
Yes, that is the little lever labelled AF M, under the lens release button. Just press in that button, then at the same time rotate the front dial to move through all the focus point options, single to 51 points 3D tracking.
Rotate the rear dial to move through the focusing modes AF-A through to AF-C.

You can see the changes through the viewfinder or the top screen.

You can also select where in the frame you what the focus point to be. There is a small lever to the right of the LCD screen, above the info button. When the lever is on the white dot you can move the focus point to any point you want to. You may have to press the shutter button down half way to active the focus point and then use the direction pad to move the focus point. When the lever is in the L position it locks the focus point to that spot.

I find this is easier than pre focusing (press shutter halfway and hold) and then move the camera slightly to get the composition i want. Its really useful when using wide open apertures (ie f4 etc) to give out of focus backgrounds. It's really useful to get a good focused image when you have a very shallow depth of field when using telephoto lens for close subjects (3-5m).