Pied Flycatcher

Alan McFadyen

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A lovely set Alan, amazing what a holiday can do :LOL: My only thoughts would be to just watch the colour cast creeping in on the subjects.
Great set, beautiful little birds. Agree with Rich about the colour casts though.
Thans guys,can you explain what colour casting is and what i am doing wrong or how can I prevent it? Like Ive said Im not a very technical photographer :)
Great shot Alan.

They look a little green on my screen. That might just be reflected light though.
Easy to sort with a little tweak.

Try to remember the rule of thirds when cropping by moving the focal point of the image away from the center. Not sure if square crops work to well, but that's a personal preference.

Alan, the colour casting can be seen where the whites( especially) take on a slight tinge- in this case a slight green colour. You can at times get this when the bird is in amongst leaves etc and the green of the leaves adds the tint to the birds feather. Not a big issue and quite easy to correct when you shoot in raw.
Cheers Mark, I shoot in RAW, but I cant see any green in the whites???? Maybe my monitor needs calibrated?

Good shot, though there is definately a green tint/cast across the image.

In PS,

1) Duplicate the layer
2) Filter - Average blur (creates a green layer across the image)
3) Create a curves layer, and using the middle dropper, grey, click this on the image
4) Turn off the the average blur layer
5) Set the Opacity of the curves adjustment to 30-50% in my experience
6) Toggle curves adjustment on/off and you will see the cast.
Thanks guys, is the green across the whole image you mean? =The bg is bluebells amongst ferns so thats the green I can see and the tint of green on the birds probably reflecting onto the bird from the fern he is perched on.
I can see across the whole image, Alan.

I am assuming you shot Nikon? Which tends to give a green tint to its images. Your eyes may be accustomed to it. It is a not a big tweak, but just one that take the image to the next level.

It is not a reflection, just the greens overall are too strong.
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I dont even have PS, but Ive changed the WB and although I like the BG better I can see purple in the birds whites now??????

What software are you using Alan ?
You have gone to far and lots of purple now.
Alan, the whole thing is a very subtle tweak to the image, and is not a WB adjustment. I am assuming you have LR?

You could use the tone curve, and try the following, with selective adjustments using the bullseye tool thing. Adjust the greens on a point that looks black, mid grey and a white. Use the cursor keys to tap up and down to move the curve.

I also changed the red a bit a too. Some people play with HSL for this type of thing.

I did this in PS, I have actions that allow me to correct in under 2 minutes. :) Will have a look at LR tonight to see how the tweaks could be made.



Colour Corrected

In for a penny in for a pound Alan :shrug: Just reduced the Yellow/Green in saturation and changed Levels slightly, apologies I did not stop to take note of any numbers.

will keep out of the colour cast debate :)

A fabulous set of images :clap::clap:
Colours don't bother me in this instance. To my mind its natural, with light reflecting off green foliage. Its like saying remove the warm glow of a sunrise or sunset.

Fabulous set
Debate aside a lovely set but I really like the second shot - what a mouthful, breakfast lunch and dinner all together :)

Thanks everyone, also for the tweeks. One day I will learn this stuff :)