Critique PK

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My nutty lass being civil for once:runaway::runaway::runaway:...... OMG you have no idea she's a complete fruit loop:banghead:

1/320 f4 iso 10 000 400mm FF ,230 am last night say just outside 3M away maybe 4???

_S2I3704 PK HO smj by Stuart Philpott, on Flickr

cheers for anything crit or other wise

take care y' all:)


PS had another WB fight i'll tell more another time if it looks wrong shout guys,sorry rushing a bit
Superb mate love the eye contact what a stunner she is !

The only thing I would do if I was going to print it (which you should) is just clone that 45 degree piece of grass on the left out, but that just me nitpicking?

Looks like you making good progress as well and I am sure will only get easier as they get used to coming, I wish I could spend more time trying with mine, dam you work!

Look forward to seeing more :)
Now that is very Nice(y)
Many thanks guys she's a one off. thats for sure Two night back each time I framed she spooked when the AF engaged, 6 times that happened, my DOII AF is all but silent!! Later the same night she comes back an hour before dawn two kids in tow and she is so laid back it's untrue. she's bonkers

Last night I think they only stopped in basically to scout and for water, She's almost certainly made a kill or found something else food wise last night good hunting in that wind I guess?

Mick the above was friday night...'erm I think??? she is now ignoring high speed silent shutter racket completely , So I've got a hatful of her HAha . she's led me a merry dance for so long I kinda just picked something. to share with you guys Now I can . I can probably find similar with no grass, I've not really been able to take it all in yet

It's funny your little nit.:rolleyes::LOL: This image is made in my front garden my front lawn. So i've left it grow moved pond done a few things, so the images might be a bit more pleasing to me, to my eye, more natural looking. Then when I finally get some pics I start moaning about a long blade of grass in the wrong place in me piccy. I've been out there with secetures selectively cutting bits off offending stems of grass.......any yet it's me that put them there :banghead: :LOL:

Lol Jerry has just picked up on it too I've just read your post Jerry as I finiished writing the above:LOL: Thing is lads when those grass stems are in the right place they really add to an image for me , i'll try and show you. later what I mean with a different frame of one of the cubs.

What's really evident is how the grass stems get picked up by the lights is different to day time shooting much more prominant,

So yeah I hold my hands up all my doing guilty as charged !!

Cheers for the replies all many thanks

Hi Stu , I lost count how many times I bitched about grass stems dead nettle stems across the nose or eye of my subjects . Think I get what your saying , if this had been a well kept lawn it would of lost a certain appeal , as it is , it dosn`t look like its in a garden or been baited ( deliberately or not ) . I would be happy with it , the expression as mentioned is lovely , and the image looks very natural . Wish my cameras could produce that lack of noise at such hi iso`s . I know how much thought and work you put into these Foxes , think this image must help you feel it was all worth while , I do . Well done .
Mark me olde mate just cheers for the lovely words and taking time out (right now) to write that . Very kind mate ha it's been a ride huh?

Mark exactly I'm not hiding that they are fed( baited if ya like) or that they are made in my garden But I am trying to make them look sort of natural,that appeal to me Mark , you've understood me mate I just can't find the words to say it in a better way I've sort of treated it like i'm making a film set in a very unglamorous basic way.. I have a little pond for the odd drinking shot and have other ideas I might impliment. It's fun Mark trying to work out how things look at night with liights interesting creatively

The 1DX ii is amazing at high iso Mark I take no credit, I have had a quick bash with topaz now on one of these fox files,i've not got my head around it yet but looks really promising . I reckon I could get more from this file with their NR.

Yes mate pleased and very surprised on how the images look, I didn't think it possible many many times,just shows ya what can happen if one keeps going

Thanks buddy really appeciate this

Take care bro

Exposure can be lifted a tiny bit. Grass doesn't bother me so much, as you say, looks 'natural'. WB a little off but I see from the cub shot you've dealt with that now.
many thanks Des great help especially the WB cheers buddy