Places in the Bracknell/Reading (Berkshire) area?

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I'm trying to build up a portfolio of portrait photography and I was wondering if anyone knew any good places in the Berkshire area? I say Bracknell and Reading 'cause they're the two places I can get to most easily.


What do you mean by good places in relation to portrait photography?
Virginia Water village has a train station but it'd be a bit of a walk to the lake and Saville Gardens. For Wellington Country Park you have to get a train to Basingstoke or Reading and a taxi to the park (not sure about buses though) - too far to walk from either :(
Okay. It's just I can't drive/don't have my own car so if I was gonna go by car I'd end up dragging along my boyfriend and his family or my mother which could prove distracting and would mean people (that I've yet to arrange) would have to go on another form of transport and I'd have to allocate a meeting spot. I could see that going horribly wrong.
In Reading you've got a couple of parks as well as some interesting possibilities in the Abbey Gardens. If you can get out to Sonning there are some interesting possibilities along the river there....

Bracknell... hmmm.. not the most photogenic of towns, but there are some parks around that might be worth while.

Might be worth taking a train to Henley to see what options present themselves.

Hope that helps

Andy (in Sandhurst)
I used to work in Henley. From memory there is a grassy area by the bridge over the Thames, which would be a great place to take portraits.