Plymouth Sound

Edit My Images
Have lived in Plymouth most of my life, but this is the only shot I've ever taken of the Sound (a quick grab from the car park after a failed family walk-1 hour drive, we stay for 5 minutes, baby gets cold, we all go home :crying:).


that sky does the shot justice
like it

Thanks for the comment. I didn't have any grads with me so had to push the sky a bit in PP, and it took several attempts to avoid making it look overdone (I think I achieved this, but then I never have a comfortably content feeling with my work).

Here's the colour version, not sure which I prefer?

me too
and pp is the way to go

Thanks for the kind comments. :)

With regard to pp, I converted the raw in capture one 6, and polished in cs6, mainly using the nik collection. I can't remember the general order or even the filters used, but I find it's better to use many layers of various filters, but in very small doses, rather than fewer but with a greater effect.

In the past I used to use silver efex 2, but have found a much greater tonal control using the capture one 6 (although I may have added a bit of structure in silver efex?).
I like the B&W one too. I would be tempted to give it even more contrast. I like dark black in B&W photos.
I prefer the b&w version I would have made it slightly darker and a tad more contrast but its a nice shot.

Well done.

Hi guys, and thanks for the comments. Feel I have the right amount of contrast, but agree with maybe making the b&w a bit darker, as I generally have my brightness pushed too high, even with a correct exposure..... On reflection, maybe the sea could do with a contrast boost. (Will give it a try later today, possibly).... To anyone having a bbq today, get cooking, and may your delectable aromas please the Gods (and make all the neighbors jealous :p).

Oh, Paul, your correct, tis Bovisand.

Seems to have been sound advice to darken and add contrast, as I'm happier with this result :D


I think you should have darkened/contrasted more selectively, to keep depth in the image. I would be tempted to darken the edges to pull the eye into the centre of the frame, darken the foreground rocks and also push some luminosity into the centre (colourefex action darken/lighten centre). You can do this very subtly to great effect.
Hi Toby thanks for the suggestion. Gave it a go, concentrating on adding more emphasis on the incoming wave, and I admit, I think your idea has strengthened the depth. I was very happy with my first attempt, but feel this final(?) edit is better.

I didn't alter the contrast as I copied over the original tiff with the last attempt, and didn't have the fire to start again from raw (yet, but when I do some time I'll use the contrast more selectively. I seem to mostly only use global for most of my processing, but maybe I should change this approach?)

Damn, forgot to post image, and would you believe it, flickr is down :bang:
Here we go, flickr is working again (not to sure if I like their re-vamp? Change for changes sake maybe?)


Not come across this one before. Thanks for the link, I'll sign-up and post this image (or a version from scratch but with the above work-flow in mind).

Thanks again, I do have a soft spot for the original medium. Maybe it would be a good idea to have a landscape b&w sub-forum here?
