Portrait Help

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I took these two shots of my son a few weeks ago. He doesn't normally pose so I think he was probably a little uncomfortable. Other than that I was keen to get some feedback as I don't feel they quite pop as much as I'd like. As you can probably tell from the reflection in the eye I was using a softbox to the right with the other head lighting up our new Hilite behind the subject. PP wise I adjusted exposure and bumped up the saturation a bit (these students don't have much colour to them ;)) and some sharpening.

All feedback gratefully received.


Thomas Dec2013-1
by Delta Skies, on Flickr


Thomas Dec2013-2
by Delta Skies, on Flickr
The fact that he posed for you is amazing, my son never would at his age.

They are good captures of the person but not of the character that is your son. They are a bit too clean and bright for a lad of his age. I would suggest a more contrasty picture for a boy (young man). If this was a picture of a young girl it might work better as their "prettiness" might be enough to carry it off.

What was the purpose of the shoot? If it was for you to practice your technique then it worked. If it was for him to use an an Avatar on social media sites then it might not achieve the desired response he was aiming for.

Don't get me wrong, they are good/nice shots with good tonal balance that I have often failed to achieve myself.

All that said - well done.

Thanks for the response Michael. I do see what you mean about the background suiting a female better.

As for the purpose of the shoot - it was to practice. That and the Hilite had recently been delivered so I was keen to give it a go for the first time. A good bit of kit I have to say.