Portrait of a Poet


The Enforcer
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First portrait type shot for blinking years.... It’s also my first attempt at softening type processing and at high key, if I can call this so...?

This Impeccably dresses gentleman is a poet from Bangladesh...he was waiting at the bus stop against a white wall, and after asking politely he was more than happy to tell me stories of his published successes whilst I happily took his photo. (y) :D

Does this work? All Inspired by Mariannes recent shots, and silky processing. (y) :)

Very nice sir! He looks like a nice peaceful bloke, carried well by the processing. I'd be tempted to clone out the odd bits of texture in the wall at the left top and side, but that may be me trying to guild the lily and if I did it I'd probably only make a pigs ear of it and end up leaving it. Could maybe do with a little catchlight in the eyes too, but again, I think that's just personal taste.
It's a good portrait but something doesn't quite sit right for me, I'm not sure if it is because it's not high key enough or if it should be darker as the blown highlights on the top of his head and his beard blending into the background are a bit distracting. Have you tried a more traditional type of mono shot?

I like the story behind it and the soft/diffuse glow works well.
A good idea with the highlights Spenc, I'll look up how to do that etc...And damn that blinking background, can’t see it clearly on my screen...well not easily anyhow. ;) Ta for your thoughts mate, glad you like it.

Colin thanks, I was in several minds as to which direction to take this shot processing wise, tried a few B&W conversions but didn't like the results, plenty of detail to be had but it just didn't work I don't think. :shrug: I felt it didn't have the impact of this shot....I am very pleased with this shot, it must be said. :D

This is the original, feel free to edit anyone. :)
im finding his collar distracting, go find him and ask him to stand there again.....
Just played around with Levels & Contrast and then cropped, didn't have a clue what I was doing to be honest and I doubt if I could repeat it!
Really like the mono effort there FB...sooooo close, but I can't get past the blown highlights. :shrug:
Hacker said:
Just played around with Levels & Contrast and then cropped, didn't have a clue what I was doing to be honest and I doubt if I could repeat it!

Well you might not be able to repeat it but, I like it.

Cheers Lee
Had a quick go with this as a lovely shot. Choose a slight sepia effect due to his natural skin tone. 30% midtone burn on wrinkles and details and some frame trickery along with a straighten.

Ha yes, that’s wonderful Diego, just the sort of thing I'd have liked to have done ...if I knew how. :D

Thanks mate, and thanks for the details on how you came to it. (y)


I've not really understood the High key effect I realise now, just blowing the highlights is not what its about ...easy yes, and some impact to be had if over-done like Hackers take on my first processed shot... but overall, a gimmick rather than a true High-key photograph.

This image has also uncovered some pretty obvious short comings of my screen and processing inconsistencies, mainly to do with seeing pale colours, high-light tones and white balance...I've noticed I struggle to maintain consistent levels and processed shots can vary wildly....time to upgrade my screen or find some sort of technique to give myself a constant to refer to….hmmmm..??

Thanks All.
excellent conversions there chaps, i really like petes and colins

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