Potted Meat


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Dave (DG photography) just asked what I wanted in my sandwhich for his upcoming training session - one of the options was "potted meat"

what on earth is potted meat?
Meat in a pot for chrissakes.
Meat in a pot for chrissakes.

what on earth does that even mean?

is it like corned beef? meat in a pot? That could be anything - chicken breast in a paint tin, pork sausage meat in a tupperware tub

what the hell is going on?
It's horse!

I've just got the same email, spicy chicken baguette looks like my choice!
hehe, it's meat paste, like pate :)

Not in Scotland (y)

Potting is the process of setting chopped meat in a liquid that is either made from butter or, if it's a piece of meat from the gelatine in the meat

My Mother used to make it when I was little, not had it for years :(
We used to have potted beef back in the day, but due to EU ganglands and the pricewar, we now only have potted meat. Make of that what you will, but it's great on thick crusty bread.

I would have thought with the numbers attending, he would put on 8 venison legs or would that be too deer? :coat:
Could be this :LOL:


And what does that phrase mean? What is the purpose of the word even in there?

'What on earth does that mean' would be enough.


Adding "even" into the sentence puts more emphasis onto the question about what it means.

Saying "what does that mean" is less dramatic than saying "what does that even mean"

although why we're discussing grammar here in the thread I have no idea as it is completely off topic :shrug:
It is still poor English Joe.
in my youth if I was poor I would have beef paste out of a jar, if I was doing okay it would be potted beef from the deli counter or a pate.. I always thought what separated potted beef from being a pate was it was primarily beef wheras a pate is a mix foods..???!?!?!
what on earth does that even mean?

is it like corned beef? meat in a pot? That could be anything - chicken breast in a paint tin, pork sausage meat in a tupperware tub

what the hell is going on?

Like a Pot Noodle, but Meat instead of the Noodle :wacky:
Shippams. Crab paste. :puke:

The meat versions were not much better. Very "savoury" but probably contained the more unsavoury parts of whatever quadraped it came from. I used to get terrible sandwiches for school. Paste was the worst. Cheese, cucumber and salad cream were not far behind.
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It is either paste or random shreds of meat in jelly. The latter can often look like pet food but be tasty if it is made of good stuff- ham hock etc.
so hang on. That looks like beef pate? I did have that at school but man it was rank!

That is different to what others have put up above about potted meat which sounds more like brawn :cautious:

same kind of stuff... will just depend on the meat, might be beef, or chicken, pork, horse etc... its just cheap smooth pate in essence... unless DD has found a posh sandwich bar, in which case it will be just like coarse pate :D
You understand how Google works, right Joe? :D
Some can be made from lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of different animal parts Joe.
What weez calls proper food young un!! (y)
It can actually be rather posh (Fortnums do them) - potted meat (or shrimps) were a good way of preserving produce before the days of fridges etc - the meat or fish is cooked, spiced and seasoned, plonked in a glass or ceramic container while hot with a "seal" of butter over the top....... here's a recipe - http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/spiced_potted_beef_44092

Indeed, but seeing as the course is being hosted by a chap from Grimethorpe, my bet would be that it will be "nice" meat paste from glass "pot".
You understand how Google works, right Joe? :D

Or the PM system or the telephone? DD should be able to tell you what he means by potted meat.
or just order it and see - whats life without adventure :LOL:
You understand how Google works, right Joe? :D

Or the PM system or the telephone? DD should be able to tell you what he means by potted meat.

yeah come on you two, that wouldn't give Joe the chance to start another thread about his 2nd favourite topic - food :LOL:
Actually I did both.

Dd didn't explain it and the interweb gave some differing results.

There was a time when you didn't have to justify starting a friendly discussion on here.