Previewing RAW files (Mac)

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Hi all,

When I open up my memory card on my Mac to open CR2 files, for some reason the previews don't come up - ie. I just see file names, which is obviously a pain because I have to open all the individual files jus to see what they are.

This only happens with files from my Canon S100, can anybody tell me why this might be?

I don't think my Mac previews CR2s either, but you can hit spacebar and it'll open a large preview, and you can then scroll around between each file using the arrow keys.
I don't think my Mac previews CR2s either, but you can hit spacebar and it'll open a large preview, and you can then scroll around between each file using the arrow keys.

Thats the thing - usually it will show the image without hitting the spacebar, and hitting the spacebar doesn't bring up the image either. And opening it with CS5 takes at least 5 seconds with my computer so its not great!
What version of OS X are you on?
Have you ran Software Update?
Have you any updates relating to cameras being ignored?
If so, reset it (under the SU menu) and see what's displayed.
What version of OS X are you on?
Have you ran Software Update?
Have you any updates relating to cameras being ignored?
If so, reset it (under the SU menu) and see what's displayed.

I'm on 10.6.8, my software is up to date. I don't know if I might have ignored any camera updates, how do I check??? What is the SU menu?
Ok I guess that means Software Update menu... Don't see any way of checking anything I have ignored? Only that everything appears to be up to date.
Yeah, if you've ignored anything, then you'll get the option to reset them when it finishes checking your OS and under the SU menu.
If you don't or it's greyed out, then it means you've installed everything that was offered when it found new updates.

If you want, fire me a CR2 file or PM a link to where you've hosted it temporarily, and I'll see if I'm as blank as you are.
I'm all up to date too, so it'd be interesting to know if it's a Snow Leopard limitation or whether there's something about your file associations that is preventing you from seeing them.

Ah ha.....!
In lieu of giving me a file, I'll suggest you download and install the 10.6.8 combo update.
If no joy after that and running SU once again, then fire me a file, and let's see if we're both afflicted with a lack of QuickLooking on it.
Also running 10.6.8, never seemed to have any issues! Still working fine :)
Hmm... I thought I installed that update already. Interestingly through DPP I can see previews of the files no problem, but then it wouldn't be would it, its Canon's own system!

I've PM'ed PJ S with a CR2 from the S100.
My Mac used to be fine with CR2 files, could open them up in Preview or view them with Cover Flow in Finder with no problem at all! I dont remember having to update anything though :shrug:
When a new camera body is released, there is a lag between this and preview being able to show it.
I'm on lion, and it's opening 1dx files fine (cr2) but I remember when I first got my 7D it took a month or so before Apple caught up.

Preview should open CR 2 files, however and if it doesn't then perhaps apple is not supporting the newer bodies in what is now quite an old OS.
To preview the thumbnail the OS needs to support the format. To open in quick view it opens the embedded jpeg preview so that works fine.

S100 isn't supported in 10.6.8. It was added in Raw update 3.9. As Apple rather "helpfully" say:

Note: To install Digital Camera RAW Compatibility Updates, you may need certain versions of Aperture or iPhoto already installed on your Mac.

Good luck.

BTW, CR2 isn't really a format at all. The CR2 format for pretty much every Canon camera is different which is why 3rd parties constantly need to do work to support it. That's stupid and it's Canon's fault. For once it's not Apple ;)
and that is why Apple only covers the more popular camera models (and it is what I would expect)
To preview the thumbnail the OS needs to support the format. To open in quick view it opens the embedded jpeg preview so that works fine.

S100 isn't supported in 10.6.8. It was added in Raw update 3.9. As Apple rather "helpfully" say:

Good luck.

BTW, CR2 isn't really a format at all. The CR2 format for pretty much every Canon camera is different which is why 3rd parties constantly need to do work to support it. That's stupid and it's Canon's fault. For once it's not Apple ;)

The annoying thing is, I have iPhoto 9 on my computer yet the computer doesn't let me install that update... does this mean i have to pay for iPhoto 10??? Huh... not impressed...
I've iPhoto 9, but then I also have Aperture 3 as well, so maybe that's why I was able to view the file you linked to in the PM.