Prime wedding lens

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recent been 2nd photographer at a few weddings and im after a prime lens, new or 2nd hand, shooting on d7000
options are
50mm nikon 1.4g
50mm sigma 1.4

also looked at 35mm but the 1.4 is out of budget, will i notice that much differenxe between the 35mm 1.4 and 1.8?

will i notice that much differenxe between the 35mm 1.4 and 1.8?

In terms of light, not really - the D7000 is good enough in the ISO department to shoot in near darkness with an f/1.8 lens.

IQ on all of the lenses is more than good enough too so I'd decide which focal length suits what you want to do with it and then get the f/1.8 version.

I have the 50mm f/1.4G and it is a great lens but the newer f/1.8 version is meant to be brilliant so you could save yourself a bob or two.

edit: sorry, didn't realise you mentioned the Sigma - personally I'd probably get either the Nikons over that.
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...will i notice that much differenxe between the 35mm 1.4 and 1.8?


Quite a different FoV really between 35 and 50mm so I'm surprised that it could be an either/or or maybe you will be getting a 35 and a 50? I used to find 50mm a bit long on APS-C although I now use one quite often on MFT.

So, I think you have to decide on FoV first.

Other than that, I have the Sigma 50mm f1.4 which I use on a 5D and it's simply lovely. Personally I think that the look is all important with lenses like these so I'd go for the look I liked rather than ultimate sharpness or speed of focus.
Neither - go for the Nikon 1.8 - the 1.4 is very slow to focus....... To be frank, I'd go for a short zoom for wedding use anyday......:cool:
think it will be the 35mm due to crop sensor, is there any varient of 35mms under the 350 mark
Yeah, the Nikon 35mm f1.8g is about £150 new

If you budget is £350, I'd be tempted to get both the 35mm and 50mm f1.8g's
Hi, If your limited to just one prime lens on a D7000 I would suggest a 35mm would be about right. You would almost certainly find a 50mm too long for most of your wedding shots.

The D7000 will handle higher ISO speeds well, so a more modest aperture would be perfectly O.K. if it were me I'd be looking at a shortish zoom something in the region of 18-55ish should be about right.
i tend to use my wide 10-20 and 50-150 sigma 2.8 so i guess 35mm is the middle point

what about a sigma 30mm 1.4?
As others have said, you'll probably use a short zoom far more - "primes" are far too limiting....
would i use both though?

Only you can really answer that.

For me, for a wedding, you'd be better off with something like a Tamron 17-50 f/2.8.

If I were to use a prime it would probably be for half body/head portraits where you want the background thrown out of focus, in which case I'd get a 50mm which should be fine on a crop body.
I'd definitely get the 35mm 1.8 as you're on a crop sensor but the 50mm will be good also as it'll not be a kick in the a**e off an 85mm which will be great for portraits! A dilemma indeed you have (My Yoda impersonation). Get em both ;)
As others have said, you'll probably use a short zoom far more - "primes" are far too limiting....

If I were to use a prime it would probably be for half body/head portraits where you want the background thrown out of focus, in which case I'd get a 50mm which should be fine on a crop body.

Primes are fantastic for weddings, not limiting at all. Its just taste, preference and style.
i have both the 35 and 50 and partly wish i went for the 35 and the 85 for that extra focal range. Most of the time i just can't be bothered to swap to the 50 if i'm on the 35, i'll just move more. The 85 might give you a better lens for those far away shots you might otherwise miss.
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I did my wife's cousins wedding entirely with a 50mm F1.4G on a D5000. I also had the 35mm F1.8 in my bag but i didn't end up using it. There were times when the focal length was a little long, like when i found my self crouched in the corner, but i just got them to move.

The 50mm has lived on my camera for the last couple of years so i know how to use it well.
Had both the 50mm f1.4g and f1.8g. Your honestly better of with the f1.8g, even if your budget could get the 1.4 (IMO).

Now I'm full frame the 50 has become an ideal focul length for walk about and will hopefully be joined by its 85mm buddy soon!