printer recommendations


Staff Bog Cleaner 2015
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Can I have some recommendations for an A4 printer please

if possible, real life experience of the printer using snow leopard and cs4 and lr2.5 would be nice.
I'd like to know your thoughts on it's colour matching.

I have an epson ink guzzler 950 which I was contemplating upgrading with a ciss system as the first prints i'd done at home for a long while looks great on it, however as the printing bug was above ground i decided to print out some other images..... :eek:

They images are very dark and muddy, skin tones are off. So instead of getting an CIS i might invest in a more upto date printer as the 950 is a bit old now.

A canon printer might be nice as the epsons just seem to waste ink at start up.

I'm using a Canon i965 (pretty old now I suppose) but quite a decent printer.
But to be honest I do so Little printing in a photographic sense that it doesn't really matter.
I usually get a photobook done once a year or so, and any prints that I want to frame I get done professionally. Anything else I'm usually looking at via a monitor.

Do have a think about it first. You might be like me and not really need a top class photo printer at all.
Chaz, I followed your link to city in the ciss thread, I was all set to but today when things went a bit wrong. My current printer decided it likes the images to be more in keeping with a batman film, everything is sooooo dark!

Also noted some banding across skin areas, and thats with new paper and relatively new inks. If the whole lot is starting to fail i'd rather keep the cash towards a new printer.