Problem with 2nd hand selling

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I've got a small problem here and would appreciate a little advice.

I've got a single din style satnav/dvd player which has a 7" screen that comes out. It's a pretty good unit and is fast at detecting a signal etc.

I disconnected it from my car before trading it in and I can't put it in the new car because it will mess with the warranty and the new stereo is of the double din type anyway.

So I'm thinking about selling it but here's my problem. It works perfectly but I can't show this as it's out of the car. My worry is that if I sell it to someone and either they or someone else tries to fit it and mess it up and fry the thing they'll claim it never worked. It's not hard to fit, it's basically plug and play except for connecting a separate power cable to the auto-aerial connection and grounding it but you never know how bad someone may be.

So what can I do? The only alternative I can think of is to sell local and fit it for them but as it doesn't have a face off due to the design of it, I screw it in rather than slide it in for security so you usually have to remove the dash - which can be a long process.

Any ideas? I'm at a loss with it all.
get a 12v car battery and power it up using that. a bit of a bodge but you can show it runs. I used to do it all the time with car audios in my shed.
Even if it doesn't invalid the warranty, it's still a double din system in the car. Wouldn't really work :(

Was thinking about using a 12V battery to power it up but not sure about spikes from it?

With selling sold as seen, normally this is the case but then stuff can be shown as working before the sale is completed.

If I sell through Ebay then they could screw the unit and then give negative feedback and at the moment it's 100% and don't want to mess that up - plus they can do an unfair Paypal dispute and I can only guess that Paypal will be pretty obtuse about these things.

Not sure if I'd want to sell it here as I've had similar hassle in the past. I'm a little tempted to hang on as I think the wife is going to get a car soon and was going to fit it in her car but then it depends also on whether or not she goes private - if not then I'll have the warranty problem again so the unit will just be sitting around doing nothing.
"Working when removed x days ago but no guarantees and no returns - price reflects this at a bargain £[enter price here]"

Seems a reasonable approach to me and hardly liable to a dispute.
Powering it with a 12v battery supply will be ok. It wont spike it or cause any problems, if you connect it the correct way round.
What make is it and how much were you thinking of asking?

connect it to a car battery with an in line fuse to power it up to take a picture etc
as for it not being double din you can get adaptors or blanking plates
Cheers for the replies. I'm going to have a think about it. It's a ***************, not sure if I'm allow to mentioned prices etc here.
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"Working when removed x days ago but no guarantees and no returns - price reflects this at a bargain £[enter price here]"

Seems a reasonable approach to me and hardly liable to a dispute.

The problem with that description is on ebay it'd make about £5 because it reads like it's broken or has a fault.

Most people are pretty honest, I think you're worrying about nothing, advertise it, get it sold, forget about it