Product Shoot - T-Shirt help

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I've been asked to take some shots of t-shirts that look like they are being worn by the invisible man. Rather than them being flat, or being worn by someone with the head cut off in PP, I need the t-shirt to look like someone is wearing it, i.e. filled out, but be able to see into the neck a bit, i.e. as if the wearer is invisible.

I was thinking of taking a jigsaw to a mannequin and cutting a bit off the neck and arms so it fills the t-shirt out but cannot be seen by the camera, but was wondering if anyone has has experience and perhaps a more pro solution of doing this themselves.

Any help appreciated.
Had a pdf of exactly this thing until I had a clear out on New Years Day, called Invisible Mannequin by Chris Brock (Google search might bring up some answers) you basically take 2 images, 1 from the front and then the 2nd with the t shirt turned inside out you take the 2nd shot to get the neck label, you then stitch the label image into the front image.

Here's a link to it....if that's allowed

Hope that helps;)
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The only way I know is to take pics of someone actually wearing the t-shirts and remove them in PS?
I was thinking of taking a jigsaw to a mannequin and cutting a bit off the neck and arms so it fills the t-shirt out but cannot be seen by the camera.

I had tried this solution but the items looled odd as they need the support of the mannequin
Paint the mannequin 'green-screen' green or 'blue-screen' blue and remove it in post.
Use matt paint, not glossy or satin finish.
Get a see through mannequin?