'Professionals treat LinkedIn like Tinder'

woof woof

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This made me think she may have over reacted just a bit...


From the BBC site...

Sexism row lawyer: 'Professionals treat LinkedIn like Tinder'
The barrister who named and shamed a city lawyer after he told her she had a "stunning picture" on LinkedIn has told 5 live she thinks professionals treat the networking website like dating app Tinder.

Charlotte Proudman replied to Alexander Carter-Silk accusing him of "unacceptable and misogynistic" behaviour and then posted what he had said on social media.

Charlotte explains why she did it and why she thinks sexism in law is endemic.

Alexander Carter-Silk declined to speak to 5 live. In a response posted online he wrote on a message board: "Most people post pretty unprofessional pictures on LinkedIn, my comment was aimed at the professional quality of the presentation on LinkedIn which was unfortunately misinterpreted".

A spokesperson for his law firm Brown Rudnick, where he is Head of European Intellectual Property, said: "Both Mr. Carter-Silk and the firm have promptly and sincerely apologised to Ms Proudman. We have also assured Ms Proudman that we are committed to gender equality and do not condone any words or actions that depart from that principle."

I can sort of see her point but I think she's gone off like a nuclear bomb over something that she may have misinterpreted or even taking a worst case scenario could have been handled differently and I do wonder if the way she's acted may come back to bite her.

And another thing occurred to me... I think that women can be worse than men when it comes to banter, groping and generally acting like a sexist pig/sow....

I've worked in places where females were in the majority and I have to say that what I've seen, heard and been on the receiving end of was far worse than I've heard or seen from any group of men against a woman. Anyone who thinks being hounded and groped by a bunch of sexually aggressive women day after day is a fantasy let me tell you it gets old very quickly and it isn't fun. I've never seen such behaviour from men and if I had seen it I think it would have been stopped PDQ. This is one area in which I think that some women need to take a look at themselves.

So, should we go off on one whenever we suspect sexism? Should we take a more considered and thoughtful approach or should we just accept it as a part of life that isn't going to change?

Personally I think that we should confront sexism and at least limit what goes on in the workplace but I think this lady has acted a bit too rashly and a bit too extremely.
I am a bit worried that she's done real damage here, both to the guy she's exploded over and quite possibly to herself too.
I don't really know how Linkedin works as i'm not on it. If the comment was visible on her page then it probably was a bit inappropriate but she does seem to have overreacted.

I think it's a sad day when a guy can't give a girl a compliment and vice versa.

(Edited multiple times as I seem to have lost the ability to type today!)
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When did women become so shrew-like that they now seem incapable of accepting compliments?
When did women become so shrew-like that they now seem incapable of accepting compliments?

Errr...suppose builders whistling at women as they walk down the street is acceptable then? Just giving a compliment and doesn't matter whether it makes women feel uncomfortable or not?

This linkedin thing is not the worst case of sexism ever but it's still creepy and therefore harassment (just as what women did in your example @woof woof is also harassment, regardless of gender)
Errr...suppose builders whistling at women as they walk down the street is acceptable then? Just giving a compliment and doesn't matter whether it makes women feel uncomfortable or not?

This linkedin thing is not the worst case of sexism ever but it's still creepy and therefore harassment (just as what women did in your example @woof woof is also harassment, regardless of gender)

See this is just the attitude that's so hard to fathom.
Not every builders whistle is offensive, just as not every compliment is benign.
Context. People seem unable to grasp it.
Instead it's instantly "sexist" "harassment" or as you put it "creepy".
I didn't see the Linkedin thing as creepy at all.....foolish (as it turns out) maybe.
Lot of fuss about nothing. She's no less a ball-breaker than he is a sexist.
Seems a slight overreaction. Plenty of guys try it on with any attractive woman in the same post code, and that's got nothing to do with their profession or whatever social media platform they are or aren't on.

I was impressed, though, by his employer's statement. Managed to get the on-message principle across without undermining his, ahem, rather inventive (*) explanation. That's why they charge big bucks. Top lawyering.

(*) Allegedly, obviously. ;)
True story: I make decent money taking pics for LinkedIn. But then, I retouch hair better than that ;)
Oft used phrase but world gone mad. Male to female in a private message "your picture is stunning", when did that become misogynistic? It's not like he messaged her and said wanna make a pearl necklace together while i squeal like a piggy. Honestly way overacted and then broadcast it to the world because these are the evil things men do, oh cough off. She's done nothing for the cause of equality or women's rights apart from have people point at her and go "seriously?".
On her website she describes herself as a "Barrister and feminist legal activist" and she appears to value her appearances in the media.

I'll leave it up to others to draw any conclusions. But she does appear to be on a bit of a crusade, a quick look at her twitters she proclaims "Together we can end sexism".

I'm all for the end of sexism, but rabid feminists do little to advance their cause IMHO.
The only time i've ever been offended by a wolf whistle was from a grave digger in a cemetery when I was about 18 and had taken some flowers to my grans grave after work.

At 35 and after having 2 kids i'd love a wolf whistle :p
Just listened to the whole "interview". It is beyond ridiculous.

Wolf whistles are one thing - and in some contexts they can be extremely threatening and annoying.

As far as anyone is saying this was a private message that said "hey, you look great". That is so far from sexism and "objectification of women" that it's a joke. Things like this make me very angry because there are genuine problems with sexism in the world and pretending that this comment is the same as them diminishes everybody.

Yesterday I said to somebody "wow - you look so much better without your glasses". I am now waiting for him to sue me. Or, you know, complain about it on Twitter.
But the point is - is the picture of high quality?
He is obviously a "bird" photographer

silly women, IMHO
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I find this impossible to judge - all I know is everyone loses from this episode.
I find this impossible to judge - all I know is everyone loses from this episode.

precisely - would not have thought that it would have done anything as far as their clients are concerned, on either side but maybe more negative for the lady concerned ..... she will be remembered for this episode
precisely - would not have thought that it would have done anything as far as their clients are concerned, on either side but maybe more negative for the lady concerned ..... she will be remembered for this episode
And that's probably what she wanted.

I totally believe in respect everyone irrespective of colour,creed,gender etc. but I also totally think that political correctness has taken some of the fun out of life - it's like we've lost the ability to banter and respond in kind.

Can you imagine the future....... Not sure I want to LOL
She may have good reason to complain, especially when he posts such comments about his own daughter. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...-commenting-photo-DAUGHTER-Yeee-gods-hot.html . That is just creepy, weird and so so wrong.

That doesn't give her any better reason to complain than she originally had. She didn't know about that. It took some Mail intern a day or so to trawl through his social media to find something which befits their needs.

I disagree with previous comments about this harming her career. Far from it.
She'll now have every man-hating, ball busting foaming at the mouth "feminist" group choosing her for legal representation.
She's probably already been contact by mumsnet and freedom to breastfeed,org
Storm in a t cup. Can't believe she had made such a fuss about it. She has made herself much less employable; who wants to work with someone that forces everyone to walk on egg shells?
I am surprised that she was happy to bring this into the public domain in such a way

Law firms usually are discrete and expect their staff and partners to be the same .... they are extremely carefully about what they say publicly

Presumably she discussed the situation with her fellow partners or employers before she responded and they were happy for her to do so in this way ....... presumably they contacted Carter_Silks firm to discuss the matter and, presumably she had a word with the Law Society regarding her feelings ..... I am presuming a lot but maybe none of my presumptions happened ..... strange way for two Lawyers to act, but I suppose the world has changed in the past few years.

I do not think that it will do her career any good, if she cannot handle and resolve such a matter discreetly I would worry about her overall judgement in matters legal

just my opinion, from my experience
Disgraceful... so you could also say that trying to chat up someone could be harassment! I hope no-one opens the door for her at work and says "ladies first"!

Still don't get this whole equality thing... things like women only business groups actually damage equality IMO.
Whatever you think about the original message and response, the reaction of the guy from Tuckers ('Getalife') is appalling.
What a t***.
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What a pile of w***. It's women like this who are causing anxiety for guys who genuinely want to say hi - I suppose when I'm doing a boudoir shoot and I say "stunning" that I'm a sexist pig ? And who gives a flying f*** about what comments he said about his daughter - we all have a right to say what we like imho and if that means that my daughter is stunning then I will happily make sure everyone knows that. This is 2015 for Christ's sake. I also say on Facebook that my wife is smoking hot and my son is a little charmer who will most likely pull quite a few ladies when he's older - does that make me bad? She's wasted time and is clearly out to make herself known to the world. Feminist my arse.
Yep, creepy. Are we suppose to beleive - "Most people post pretty unprofessional pictures on LinkedIn, my comment was aimed at the professional quality of the presentation on LinkedIn which was unfortunately misinterpreted".

Wonder how many photos of men he said were "stunning" because of "the professional quality of the presentation".

What a pile of w***. It's women like this who are causing anxiety for guys who genuinely want to say hi - I suppose when I'm doing a boudoir shoot and I say "stunning" that I'm a sexist pig ? And who gives a flying f*** about what comments he said about his daughter - we all have a right to say what we like imho and if that means that my daughter is stunning then I will happily make sure everyone knows that. This is 2015 for Christ's sake. I also say on Facebook that my wife is smoking hot and my son is a little charmer who will most likely pull quite a few ladies when he's older - does that make me bad? She's wasted time and is clearly out to make herself known to the world. Feminist my arse.
But that isn't what he said about his daughter, he said she was hot, a way of saying sexy. That is a very creepy thing to say about your own daughter. Cringe worthy maybe, my sister in laws husband posts odd comments like that on facebook, it's quite sickening really.
But that isn't what he said about his daughter, he said she was hot, a way of saying sexy. That is a very creepy thing to say about your own daughter. Cringe worthy maybe, my sister in laws husband posts odd comments like that on facebook, it's quite sickening really.
It may be but it isn't relevant to the raging feminist who classifies "you are stunning" in an otherwise uneventful private message on Linkedin as misogynist.
Wow, he's gone from misogynist pig to inferred incest in one hysteria-filled day. All he needs to do now is pop a cap in a celebrity mammal and we can call it done.
The thing is I don't find his comments creepy or sickening. I've seen lots of men say similar in the past about their sons and daughters - heck, some wedding speeches should have been banned and retracted!!! One day we'll be fearful of our own existence and won't be able to say much at all. Social media is killing our own natural atrributes, kids don't even talk anymore because they're too busy looking at a page that's white and has a blue bar at the top. Touch typing is also becoming a rarity as people are using tablets more and more. I blame it on the aliens.