Programme for storing places to visit

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I quite often look at an image or pass by a location and think that would be worth a visit at some time in the future, perhaps when it's at its best in another season. I always mean to write these down but more often than not, I forget.

Does anyone know of a programme for Windows that would help with this? Somewhere I could add an entry noting the place, a few words and the best time to visit, something like that? Also, if it would be possible, when I add an entry it goes into some alphabetical order so I can easily locate it when I'm searching.

Any help or advice would be most welcome.
Take a look at Evernote. Multi-platform, synchronises automatically. Copy on your phone, tablet, PC.
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Evernote or Pinterest.
Google maps allows you to add your own places of interest and add notes. No idea if that would allow you to tag images too.

But I've also used Evernote as a 'smart' notebook. If you have MS Office, you might have already have OneNote which is better than Evernote.
Spreadsheet (Excel or LibreOffice Calc etc), if you just want a simple way of doing this and sorting capability.
How will a techie programme solve the basic problem of not writing it down?

It wont. Either way, you've still got to write it down. OP could always keep a dictaphone type machine handy instead but then again they might forget to pick it up and speak into it.
Google maps allows you to add your own places of interest and add notes. No idea if that would allow you to tag images too.

But I've also used Evernote as a 'smart' notebook. If you have MS Office, you might have already have OneNote which is better than Evernote.

I use Google Maps, so easy to do across multiple platforms too, phone, table, laptop etc

When i see a place of interest either by Googling or as i drive past, it's so easy to just click the map and hit the Star button, if you have a Google account it will then show up on all your other devices

So when i'm scouting locations on my laptop at home, as soon as i open Google maps on my phone the points of interest are already there, vice versa when doing it on your phone
Thanks for the help. Really appreciated. I'll have a look at what can be done with Google Maps. I've also downloaded Evernote so I'll give that a try as well.
Looked a bit more into Evernote, quite impressive really.

You can place notes in alphabetical order, do a full search and, better still you can attach photographs to notes which is not so easy to do with paper and pen.
I use Excel and Google Drive.I store county, description, postcode, long & lat, rough travel time and put a photo and sat image from google maps in the same folder.
Looked a bit more into Evernote, quite impressive really.

You can place notes in alphabetical order, do a full search and, better still you can attach photographs to notes which is not so easy to do with paper and pen.
Evernote is pretty impressive as a "digital scrapbook". I've used it for storing a variety of different types of information relating to a couple of projects - house extension and extended holiday planning.

As well as photos, you can also add voice files which can be useful for recording memos on the go with your mobile phone.
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Evernote is pretty impressive as a "digital scrapbook". I've used it for storing a variety of different types of information relating to a couple of projects - house extension and extended holiday planning.

As well as photos, you can also add voice files which can be useful for recording memos on the go with your mobile phone.

Thanks for the help.
I use the app called 'the photographers ephemeris' TPE for short - really love this software- you can search for locations using postcodes and even longitude & latitude

you have to pay for it on phone but it's free on pc

It uses Google maps and has a favourite section to store the places of interest

I save my bucket list of places and you can get really technical and geeky if you want because it can tell you information like where the sun /moon rises and sets at the location of choice and even times of when the stars will appear at night - this can be for any time in the future so you can plan your trip precisely for when nature is set up in the frame how you want it..... Remember to use this with a weather guide though cause it can't calculate that part
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Thanks for the post Cheeky. TPE is quite a popular app on here. It's been around for some time and keeps getting better with every new update.
I use the app called 'the photographers ephemeris' TPE for short - really love this software- you can search for locations using postcodes and even longitude & latitude

you have to pay for it on phone but it's free on pc

It uses Google maps and has a favourite section to store the places of interest

I save my bucket list of places and you can get really technical and geeky if you want because it can tell you information like where the sun /moon rises and sets at the location of choice and even times of when the stars will appear at night - this can be for any time in the future so you can plan your trip precisely for when nature is set up in the frame how you want it..... Remember to use this with a weather guide though cause it can't calculate that part

Yes, TPE is a stunning app, it's on the must-have list.
I also keep in my phone Google Earth app, it's free for IOS and Android and you can download it by the link. I use it for scouting out a route and finding promising shooting locations.
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