ProG's 2010 52 Wk Challenge - Wks 26 & 27 - "BEGINNINGS/ART"

Wk 4 and here I am!
I really wanted to venture outside for this week's theme and what better way than to capture one of the world's most famous shopping streets but not just in a touristy way.

So I present to you.....London's Oxford Street. Taken in the lower Oxford Street, whilst stood in a very small traffic island in the middle of the road.
Handheld, using my Sigma 10-20mm wide angle. Selective colouring and added grain in PP to bring out the contrast between the red bus and the rest of the scene.

What Did I Learn?

This week, I learned that it's actually not that embarrasing standing in the middle of a very busy shopping street with a DSLR for 20 mins taking pictures (despite attracting some weird looks from passer buys....including a PCSO who didn't even say a word!) :D

Thanks for reading and please do leave a comment.

You've done well to capture the bus just at the right moment there and the use of the wide angle has worked well to distort its length. Very nicely done. Dare I ask if there's a full colour version we can see? :)
Love the the way you takled the poem, you need to view it large for full impact.

The second image for chopped is great, although I think most of the women will go :eek: ;) :LOL::LOL:

Nice idea for street and good use of selective colour.

Chopped - I prefer the lemons - lovely and fresh looking.

Street - I like the way you have caught the moving bus but I'm not sure about the selective colour - I'd like to see the full colour version for this one. Or maybe you could partially but not completely desaturate the rest of the scene so that the bus still stands out but without such a contrast.

Or maybe it is the tint of the mono that disturbs me - at the moment it's not quite working for me.

It looks a bit precarious - I'm glad you didn't get run over!
Sounds dangerous!
I do really like this though. Lovely motion blur on the bus and I love the way that it's elongated the lines.

maybe you could partially but not completely desaturate the rest of the scene so that the bus still stands out but without such a contrast.

I was just thinking the exact same thing. I like the way that the bight red stands out in the shot, but the stark contrast to the B&W is just a bit too much for me. I think Tracer's suggestion would give you the same impact, but just a bit more subtle.
I like the blur of the bus... brave to stand on an island in oxford street, let alone for 20 minutes :D... It seems a bit too much two different images as it stands, I think the suggestion for a desaturation but not all the way to B&W on the rest of the image is a good one.
I really like your 'street' photo :)
I think the use of selective colouring works well, and I like how the bus looks really long and draws you in to the shot.

Thanks - was pretty impressed myself that I pressed the shutter button at the exact time the bus was going past. Still love my wide angle lens - couldn't have got this effect with a standard lens I reckon

You've done well to capture the bus just at the right moment there and the use of the wide angle has worked well to distort its length. Very nicely done. Dare I ask if there's a full colour version we can see? :)

Thank you - just as I've mentioned above. Yes, you may dare ask! Please see updated image below

Love the the way you takled the poem, you need to view it large for full impact.

Thanks, agree with it having to be viewed in large

The second image for chopped is great, although I think most of the women will go :eek: ;) :LOL::LOL:

Nice idea for street and good use of selective colour.


:LOL: I think my wife nearly did (should've used her cards! :D)

Nice street image, like the passing bus, adds live to the photo. Well done

I really like the photo. Really good use of selective colour

Thanks jollyjack and DC - appreciate your comments and time for leaving feedback

Chopped - I prefer the lemons - lovely and fresh looking.

Street - I like the way you have caught the moving bus but I'm not sure about the selective colour - I'd like to see the full colour version for this one. Or maybe you could partially but not completely desaturate the rest of the scene so that the bus still stands out but without such a contrast.

Or maybe it is the tint of the mono that disturbs me - at the moment it's not quite working for me.

It looks a bit precarious - I'm glad you didn't get run over!

Sounds dangerous!
I do really like this though. Lovely motion blur on the bus and I love the way that it's elongated the lines.

I was just thinking the exact same thing. I like the way that the bight red stands out in the shot, but the stark contrast to the B&W is just a bit too much for me. I think Tracer's suggestion would give you the same impact, but just a bit more subtle.

I like the blur of the bus... brave to stand on an island in oxford street, let alone for 20 minutes :D... It seems a bit too much two different images as it stands, I think the suggestion for a desaturation but not all the way to B&W on the rest of the image is a good one.

Tracer, Sarah & JGS - your wish is my command!! That's why I've had a go at doing what you suggested. To be honest however, I think I still prefer the original image, but I would be very interested in what you and others have to say about the new image vs the original. Thanks!

Thanks for posting that. Much preferring the colour version. There's just enough colour (although it's almost monotone) on the right now to help even up the image a bit so the bus isn't taking all my attention. Much better (y)
Thanks for posting that. Much preferring the colour version. There's just enough colour (although it's almost monotone) on the right now to help even up the image a bit so the bus isn't taking all my attention. Much better (y)

Thank you. Glad you like it and really appreciate the constructive feedback. :notworthy:
Hi All,

Wk5 and I have let myself down already :bonk:
Last week was a very tough week for me - start of a new role within the organisation I work in (which has doubled my journey hence even earlier starts!) and a family party at the weekend - all of which meant little chance to get out and about and complete last week's task (however I did take over 500 pictures at the party as I was the allocated tog....)

I didn't want to break the link, so rather than missing out a full week, I have (unfortunately) had to select an image representing speed which I took a while ago - so here it is, better late than never! Now better do a good job for this week's theme!

Thanks for looking.

I agree with the colour version of street. The colours on the right really help out, although they are nicely subdued.

It's still a good shot for the theme, even if it's an old one.
It may be an old shot for speed, but still a very good one so don't feel bad about it. We all have weeks like that.
My limited knowledge of motorsport let's me down on offering any sort of C&C other than to say it certainly looks speedy and there are some great colours in it.

Congratulations on the new role, even if it does mean earlier starts. And on the bright side, that family party should have given you plenty of choice for "present".
It may be an old shot for speed, but still a very good one so don't feel bad about it. We all have weeks like that.
My limited knowledge of motorsport let's me down on offering any sort of C&C other than to say it certainly looks speedy and there are some great colours in it.

Congratulations on the new role, even if it does mean earlier starts. And on the bright side, that family party should have given you plenty of choice for "present".

I agree with the colour version of street. The colours on the right really help out, although they are nicely subdued.

It's still a good shot for the theme, even if it's an old one.

Thank you both for your comments - wasn't expecting any comments last week, so I really do appreciate your feedback/time.
Wk 6, and after last week's disappointment, I was hoping to come up with something half decent, so here it is.....

I am sure the theme of 'Present' can be represented in many ways - 'a present' as in a gift, 'the present' as in here and now and god knows how many different kind of ways.

My thinking behind the shot below was to link the time and gift aspect of present in to one shot and it being the season of luurrvve.........what better way than to demonstrate it through love?? (get ready for awwwwww.....:D) After all, isn't love the GREATEST PRESENT of ALL TIME?
Love has existed for centuries, is present now and will be present (hopefully) till the end of time (bit strong, I know!).

So here it is:


And another one that nearly made it as the shot of the week:


All comments/feedback welcome as usual. Thanks for looking.
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Second one for me I think, but then a few seconds ago it was the first one. Both really nice photos.
Second one for me (y)
I prefer the warmer tones in this one and I find the first shot has the ring a little too close to the RHS of the frame.

I know shadows from a ring in a book forming a heart shape is a bit of a cliche - but I still like it. And things become cliched for a reason. They work and people like them.

Very nicely executed and good use of DoF. I'd say that this was a very good week for you :)
EXcellent... I think the second just clinches it, but both very good. The ring in the book making a heart might be cliched, but I don't recall seeing it before... I like it.
some great work there, I liked the 'colour' version of street - which could have passed for speed too

Speed was a nice clean shot, for me a touch more blur of motion would have added to it

Present the second shot warm, close and stronger, the ring lead your eye to the writing, whereas in the other the ring seemed tagged on the end of the text
good job ;)
Second one for me I think, but then a few seconds ago it was the first one. Both really nice photos.

Exactly what I went through - couldn't make up my mind on which one I liked better!

Second one for me (y)
I prefer the warmer tones in this one and I find the first shot has the ring a little too close to the RHS of the frame.

I know shadows from a ring in a book forming a heart shape is a bit of a cliche - but I still like it. And things become cliched for a reason. They work and people like them.

Very nicely executed and good use of DoF. I'd say that this was a very good week for you :)

Thanks Sarah - yes, was one of the better weeks, but hope to keep improving.

EXcellent... I think the second just clinches it, but both very good. The ring in the book making a heart might be cliched, but I don't recall seeing it before... I like it.

Same here - I hadn't seen one of these before either!

some great work there, I liked the 'colour' version of street - which could have passed for speed too

Speed was a nice clean shot, for me a touch more blur of motion would have added to it

Present the second shot warm, close and stronger, the ring lead your eye to the writing, whereas in the other the ring seemed tagged on the end of the text
good job ;)

Thank you.
Wk7 and I'm still here! Wow!

Having read a few other threads for this week's theme, it seems that I'm not alone in feeling uncomfortable in pointing a lens at strangers, so I too did find this week's theme quite challenging - despite being in the Southbank where there is no shortage of people!

However, after a while, I just thought 'sod it' and started taking pictures of everyone so I guess this week's theme has, to a certain extent, taught me how to take pictures of strangers and not feel weird about here are my image (s) for this week (still undecided which one I prefer more):

Shot 1: (edited following Harlequin565's comment - Original shot for anyone interested HERE

This may look violent, but it isn't! This was shot in the Southbank, just in front of the London Eye. The entertainer was posing people and then sort of creating different action scenes with volunteers from the crowd.


Shot 2: Probably my favourite but not quite sure if this says 'People'? I guess it's kind of "people being people".......


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Hi there,
I can't believe I'm still finding threads I've not seen...

I think you've taken some shots to be proud of to be honest. All of them look pretty good (though I prefer the full-colour Speed)

I prefer your second People shot. The entertainer has his back to you so you can't see what the people are looking at. It's a bit "busy".

However, the second shot - "People being people" is very good if a little soft. In fact, looking at the exif data, it shows you shot this at 200mm and 1/10sec. You have a steady hand even if the lens has VR/IS, so I take it back.

Hi there,
I can't believe I'm still finding threads I've not seen...

I think you've taken some shots to be proud of to be honest. All of them look pretty good (though I prefer the full-colour Speed)

I prefer your second People shot. The entertainer has his back to you so you can't see what the people are looking at. It's a bit "busy".

However, the second shot - "People being people" is very good if a little soft. In fact, looking at the exif data, it shows you shot this at 200mm and 1/10sec. You have a steady hand even if the lens has VR/IS, so I take it back.


Thanks Ian. Took your point about my 1st shot for 'People' being a bit busy - I had thought the same thing and wasn't particularly happy with the level of noise. Think I prefer the newer shot much more.
Your second choice is far far better. Not sure if I prefer that over #2 now!

Decisions decisions... :)

For somebody who doesn't like street photography I actually really like both of these.

No.2 is technically the stronger photo IMO and it's a very unique take on the theme. Certainly says people - I can see 3 in there! :)

For some reason I keep getting drawn back to no.1 though.
I love the pose, just the right amount of DoF and a really good composition. It doesn't seem quite as sharp as the second shot, but that really doesn't matter much to me.
Two interesting images. First one looks like the Observer from Fringe, so some credit there :) It's definitely one to make you look but whether it's the angle or the crowds it's not quite working for me.

Second is spot on. I like the way you've filled the frame and that it's the camera you've placed focus on. Very nicely done.
First one for me, it's something of a unique capture and the DoF is perfect to capture the expressions of the people behind preventing the scene from being too serious.

I love the processing too
2 good uns here. I think I prefer the first one (not having looked at the original, I mean the one that's here now).
I prefer the first shot of the bloke being kicked in the chin, while it's not technically as good as the camera shot its more unique and captures a much more interesting moment

Thanks - appreciate your feedback.

For somebody who doesn't like street photography I actually really like both of these.

No.2 is technically the stronger photo IMO and it's a very unique take on the theme. Certainly says people - I can see 3 in there! :)

For some reason I keep getting drawn back to no.1 though.
I love the pose, just the right amount of DoF and a really good composition. It doesn't seem quite as sharp as the second shot, but that really doesn't matter much to me.

Thanks Sarah - I too still am undecided. I agree with both you and Karlos about the 2nd image being technically superior to the 1st, but I really do like the 1st image, the 2nd, or is it the 1st? :thinking:

Two interesting images. First one looks like the Observer from Fringe, so some credit there :) It's definitely one to make you look but whether it's the angle or the crowds it's not quite working for me.

Second is spot on. I like the way you've filled the frame and that it's the camera you've placed focus on. Very nicely done.

Thanks - that 'observer from Fringe' comment made me laugh. Love that programme and can't wait for it to come back on again.

First one for me, it's something of a unique capture and the DoF is perfect to capture the expressions of the people behind preventing the scene from being too serious.

I love the processing too

Thanks - yes, I like the DoF too in the way that I have managed to throw the crowd in the background out of focus whilst still retaining their reaction. Processing was pretty simple - converted to B&W in PS and a bit of play around with the levels.

2 strong shots this week :clap:, why is the 2nd shot your preferd shot?

2nd is my favourite because it's the 1st time I have taken this sort of an image and it's one I've wanted to take for a while now. Also, given my 'shyness' of taking images of strangers, I did have to get quite close to those guys and make it quite obvious that I was taking their picture, so in a way, I felt liberated that I was so ballsy :D

2 good uns here. I think I prefer the first one (not having looked at the original, I mean the one that's here now).

Thanks - I am still undecided but am taking on board everyone's comments.
Wk7 and I'm still here! Wow!

And producing some nice stuff. I love the whackiness of your mono 'people' shot... great subject matter and nicely isolated without losing context. :)
And producing some nice stuff. I love the whackiness of your mono 'people' shot... great subject matter and nicely isolated without losing context. :)

Thanks for the feedback - really appreciate it.
Hi there, I prefer the 1st shot, you've captured an intersting moment in time; the DOF is good too, as there's enough detail in the background to show the expressions of the bystanders. It looks good fun, I like it :)
Hi there, I prefer the 1st shot, you've captured an intersting moment in time; the DOF is good too, as there's enough detail in the background to show the expressions of the bystanders. It looks good fun, I like it :)

Thanks Kay - glad you like it.......and now, on to Wk8........
Wk8 - Mechanical

Once again, for one reason or another, had to leave this till the very last minute, but despite thinking the results were going to be poor, I'm pretty pleased with the final result (s).

So, I present to you, my 'mechanical' shot.

Spent an hour or so in my (freezing) garage earlier today trying to get this shot. Positioned the bike against a white card and used my 50mm 1.8 and (for the 1st time!) my SB-900 :)

Shot 1 is my chosen shot as I wanted to try a tight crop:


Shot 2 is the uncropped shot of Shot 1 and I felt that the tyre and the spokes served no purpose in the theme of mechanical (or do they?!)- still, like this one too so thought I'd share.


Thanks again for looking and to everyone who has commented on my thread so far. Bring on Wk 9! :)
Shot 2 is still a crop but I much prefer the composition and processing on it over the first. I really like the contrast and clean white background used in this. Nice job (y)