"Project D" demo car

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A friend of mine has recently taken on a business which sells bits and bobs for a certain type of car... anyway, he's rebuilt the engine and modded it with a load of bits and asked me to take some pics. He really wanted an HDR overdose because he loves anime so I know this won't go down very well with everyone, but it's really changed my mind about how I view HDR and I'm becoming quite proud of the images (especially considering - I usually produce really crap results!)....

Anyway, I'm going to try and do some more HDR stuff - maybe of the moon tonight (its meant to be clear tonight and it'll be full!) and see if this isn't just a complete fluke :D

Let me know what you think, and any tips for better HDR'ing would be welcome.





Strangely, I expected the engine shot to be the most boring but find myself enjoying it the most now... am I a weirdo? (don't answer that)

Cheers all
Fair play, do you know how to remove the halo's in certain areas etc? The car is pretty much matt though... its an 18 year old paint job :)
I think the HDR actually makes the most of what on the outside isn't a mint condition car - it disguises a few of the rough edges. For an urban type setting i don't think its all that bad - from a purest tog view its overdone etc etc etc, but if that is what the client is looking for then thats fine ;)
The pictures have the basis for good pictures but in my eyes any car which is to be photographed needs to be cleaned. Even though the paint job is 18 years old I think the car could look a lot tidier(sp)...

Other than that little gripe i think

the location is good
the hdr is over done
#2 needs to be lightened...
i like the angle of the engine shot but again the dirt in the bay puts me off it..

sorry i cant be more positive..but great effort.

Just looking back I think the pictures would be highly improved by simply cleaning the wheels and blackening the tyres......try meguiars high gloss..

As a project car being used as advertising I would want a pristine paint finish & a clean engine bay. The engine is nice and clean, but if it were me I'd have cleaned the engine bay whilst the engine was out of the car.

In terms of gritty urbanness I like the clouds in #3. The halo could possibly be cloned out - I've not really experimented with HDR software to explain how to avoid the halo.

#2 - the vignette and blur needs to be toned down

I always prefer to see static cars with an armful of steering lock

Maybe a high contrast mono conversion would work well?
Agree with the others - HDR is a bit overdone, would look better toned down a touch. A cleaner car would also help, but you can sort out the obvious marks and paint defects in photoshop pretty easily, and the halo isn't a huge problem either...

cheers for comments peeps, love the p'shopped version from above capin' :)

I think the ghetto styling of the car is a bit of a let down too although this is a bit of a dry run as his new wheels haven't arrived yet and nor have a lot of his shop specific parts.

There is a B&W mono version too which I'll chuck up a bit later. All good feedback ta peeps :D
Nice S13 ;)

I have one just like it on my driveway...........in bits!!

My mate has one too, in bits, in his workshop :D what is it with S13's and being taken apart?