PSE7 - ACR 5.5 Organiser can't view CR2 files

Joan Williamson
Edit My Images
oops I think I posted this in the wrong place initially :(

hi, I've just installed PSE 7 on my new Windows 7 (64 bit) Dell and have replaced the ACR with 5.5 and can open all images, including my CR2 files from my Canon 50d. Although I can edit them with ACR from within PSE the thumbnails are all just greyed out images. Am I missing a vital piece of the puzzle to get this working properly ?


Question, are seeing the greyed out thumbnails when trying to open them from the editor . In which case thats not suprising as it is Windows explorer that is veiwing the thumbnails and not Elements.

You would need the canon codec installed to see them in Exporer.

If you are seeing then in Elements "Organizer" then that is a problem that would need further examination.
Hi Paul, it's in the Elements Oragniser that they are greyed out. Bizarre, as PSE is clearly able to recognize them as I can open them in PSE Editor. Ho Hum, just taken hundreds of 'big cat' shots today that I was hoping to load into PSE too :(
hi, I've just downloaded all my recent pictures and the Organiser is able to see the CR2 files fine BUT still can't see the ones already on my external picture drive, of which there are MANY :( Not sure how to access them now as it seems a little more confusing now.

Hi , Joan , try this select a few of the thumbnails in the organizer for now and go to ediit > Update Thumbnail or Ctrl+Shift+U.

Let me know if this works for you, if not there is another possible way to do it. :)
Joan, this might be a daft question but did you use the 64bit plug in or the 32bit plug in ?
Even though you have a 64bit platform PSE7 is 32bit software and needs the 32 bit plug in.

Please excuse me if this sounds obvious. :D

Also consider purging the cache in PSE7.
You're a star ! The update thumbnail option worked and I can see them all again :) What does that actually do ?

Take Care