Puffins on Inner Farne

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More shots of the Puffins taken on Inner Farne on my visit there on Friday last weeek. A highly recomended visit which provides an ideal opportunity to get close to these and the other birds there.



Nice set Gordon

Going some time this month. Hoping to leave my Sigma 150-500 at home and take a 16-45 and a 55-300 zoom. What focal lengths did you use on your visit?
Funny you should ask that question. i took a 150-500 to the Farne Islands last year. Prior to this years trip last week I reviewed my pictures specifically looking at focal length used. I no longer have the 150-500 so my choices were 120-300 or 500. I chose to take the former and have no regrets. There were however loads of people using 500's so it depends what kind of pictures you want. I was unable to separate sandwich terns from the flock with my lens of choice. I may have been able to with a 500. I took binoculars with me but need not have bothered.
Hi Alan and Malcom, for the static shots I used my 500mm f/4, however with the bird in flight shots, I found the birds to be too close and fast in order to find them in the viewfinder and track using the 500mm. For these shots I used my 70-200mm which proved to be quite versatile, especially for the Artic Terns.

If you go to Inner Farne be sure to take a hat, the Terns dive bomb you and peck at your head, and also show what they think of you by messing on your head.

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Even a box of Persil wont get yer Whites that good Gordon :D Lovely set, if that bird on the right in #3 had been within your dof it would have been a cracking shot, still all good though (y)
Again thanks to all for the comments.

Philp, you will find that your 70-200mm f/2.8 MK11 will be fine as I did. On Staple Island and Inner Farne I found that you could get really close to the birds as you walked around on the footpaths. Take the 70-200mm + 1.4 TC, together with a longer lens if you have one to pull the birds in to give closer shots. There were a lot of people there with 500mm lenses, which I used for each of these 3 shots. I also took a tripod.

Regards: Gordon