Queen of Spain fritillary

Looks like your Buddleia is really pulling in the butterflies - Mine is all but over now, which is very sad, I had high hopes for this year.

Nice butterfly, lovely colours, but a couple of things about both. #1 is a little soft, eye focus missed.:bang: #2 seems just a little shadowy, so much so that the eye is almost lost in shadow to the right, which is a real shame. Did you use flash?
Hi Sara,

No, no flash. Also the sun was coming across the Bfly which made getting rid of all the shadows tricky, add in the wind and the fact they do not stay still at all, and.... Sorry, I'll stop making excuses now ;)

With the buddleia we've got a number of different varieties to extend the season, as well as other nectar plants to drag the critters in, but also we deadhead the buddleia to keep them in flower as long poss.

What other nectar plants do you have Tara?

I was dead heading the Buddleia too, but had a day off and now I think it's too late to try to pick it back up again, short of cutting the whole thing back!