quick drink?

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These guys move stupidly fast...


buts its ok when you've got 8fps!! :D
But the skill is nailing the shot with one frame :D
true true...ok, so I didn't just machine gun it, I did predict the point I'd focused to so I was getting a better chance of a decent shot. the 8fps helps me 'bracket' a little easier :)
still, at 1/2000 or faster I was still getting little blurs - they're FAST!
I'd like to see a crop of these two shots from the original images, I reckon they'd be pretty good.
i can do you the crop of the first - haven't got the second to hand and I'm still at work...
here you go:

100% cropage for ya. the original posting is a crop of the source picture - I shot at mainly 300mm as out at 400 they were too tricky to catch...bit of a pay off between focal length and where I point the lens. doesn't sound much but 400 is quite a bit narrower than 300 in its viewing angle, I did try but didn't have any luck at all - going a touch wider afforded me with some alright results.
the shot here isn't especially clean I know, at iso 400 to bump shutter speeds, so might benfit from some noise ninja.
That's pretty good for 100%, I shouldn't think many have shots like that. Impressive stuff.