Critique Rannoch Moor: Wide crops

Nice work Steve. I wish #2 had the same colour as #1 as I prefer the cleaner look of it. You certainly get some still water up there!
He does manage to shoot a lot of still water doesnt he. I was splashed by a wave at Crummock water when I was stood a few feet above the water and god was my head cold when it it hit.
He does manage to shoot a lot of still water doesnt he. I was splashed by a wave at Crummock water when I was stood a few feet above the water and god was my head cold when it it hit.

LOL. I just pick the still days. I love reflections and being out in the calm weather. I don't like wind and rain so avoid it like the plague. The landscape "elite" may not like this way of doing things but I do :D

Summers coming and tbh, its one of my favourite times to shoot.
Both really beautiful images:clap:.
I prefer the composition of the first pic, as I find the foreground in #2 just a bit bland & over dominant by comparison: I wonder whether (in pic 2) cropping up from the bottom to just a little below the reflections of the snowy hills at the right might be worth a look:thinking:
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  • I just pick the still days.
  • being out in the calm weather.
  • I don't like wind and rain so avoid it like the plague.
  • Summers coming and tbh, its one of my favourite times to shoot.
The midges must just love you!
Both really beautiful images:clap:.
I prefer the composition of the first pic, as I find the foreground in #2 just a bit bland & over dominant by comparison: I wonder whether (in pic 2) cropping up from the bottom to just a little below the reflections of the snowy hills at the right might be worth a look:thinking:

The issue with cropping two was having the edges of the foreground grasses cut off. I wish they weren't there really as I'd have more freedom with the crop

The midges must just love you!

Not as much as I love the warmer conditions and lovely golden/greeny hues you get.

Plus compared to most places midges aren't an issue as they're harmless.

In Paris you'll likely be shot/ran over/bombed by a terrorist, same with Germany. In the states it'll be a wolf or grizzly and they're dangerous. If it's Africa lions and killer cats, India the drinking water and tigers that'll finish you off.

We have it so good here. No dangers at all.
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A little key stoning a touch of DRL and shoot in Raw, and your'll be almost as good as me (y)


Love 'em both Steve (y)