Ready up we got a long way to go..

The 2nd one would have been better if a little sharper and maybe try a B+W conversion?(y)

The 1st one does nothing for me I am afraid:shrug:

Hopefully this is slightly more polite than the first response:shake::rules:
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Not liking these at all.

One is a pic of a horse and cart with a couple doing nothing remotely interesting (she even looks to be handling a tissue). Rather ugly orange wall as well.

THe 2nd is a pic of a giant compass? Not sure why anyone would find that remotely interesting to photgraph or even ask for comments on it? :shrug:

No exactly a helpful post! How could it have been made more interesting or what would have been better to wait for, how to improve rather than just saying dunno why any one would find it interesting. Some one might!

I think the first could have been taken a bit closer to lose some of the back ground, and waited till the tissue was elsewhere lol!

The compass maybe more of a top view?
#1 - I like the brickwork, very different. The timing of the shot is out IMO in that the man has his hand in the air and the woman has the tissue, I also don't like the traffic/parking pole as it's out of character with what the scene could be.

#2 - Doesn't do anything for me, difficult to know what could be done without seeing some of the surrounding area.
Not liking these at all.

One is a pic of a horse and cart with a couple doing nothing remotely interesting (she even looks to be handling a tissue). Rather ugly orange wall as well.

THe 2nd is a pic of a giant compass? Not sure why anyone would find that remotely interesting to photgraph or even ask for comments on it? :shrug:

crap critique, not sure why you bothered.
You do realise you are dealing with adults dont cha, son?

Dont know what world you live in? But if a pic is has no merit to it, then it has no merit.

You are not dealing with kids who are gonna get upset over some negative comments on their pics. :LOL:

Actually, judging how sensitive people are here, I could be wrong. :thinking:

Problem is mods who live in a bizare world where every picture has something positive about it. :wacky:

If you want to patronise me go right ahead, but please learn how to spell and use reasonable grammar first. :)

The pictures may or may be good. What's undeniable is your crap attitude. Drop it or leave, I'm easy either way. :shrug:
Thanks for the comments.. well..

I go out take loads of pics expecting to get a good one..
Thats where I'm going wrong I think I should look and wait, just I like taking pics good or bad.
Only been at it a few weeks..

The Horse one I just liked the brickwork and the colours..
The Compass... Just gave it a shot to see..

Got another of the Horses here, should have maybe picked this one , though not a lot more in it..

Not liking these at all.

One is a pic of a horse and cart with a couple doing nothing remotely interesting (she even looks to be handling a tissue). Rather ugly orange wall as well.

THe 2nd is a pic of a giant compass? Not sure why anyone would find that remotely interesting to photgraph or even ask for comments on it? :shrug:

Stupid thing to say really, you could say that about just about anything you could chose to photograph TBH :|

That said, I do think 2 could be more interesting if it had more context.

I basically agree with what gramps said about 1
Got another of the Horses here, should have maybe picked this one , though not a lot more in it..

Yes there is, love the contrast between the cart horse and the racing bike, the glance across by the cyclist and a couple of beers rather than a hankie ... oh and no parking post!
Much better.
Look, it's the internet grammer police! :|

look, its the next person to be banned..

the point is, and i'll spell it out for you as you seem to have completely missed it, that you offer no solution as to what the OP could do to improve the shot. we can all point out a bad shot, what is required is to say how it can be improved.
Not liking these at all.

One is a pic of a horse and cart with a couple doing nothing remotely interesting (she even looks to be handling a tissue). Rather ugly orange wall as well.

THe 2nd is a pic of a giant compass? Not sure why anyone would find that remotely interesting to photgraph or even ask for comments on it? :shrug:

we all have to start somewhere, and what may not work for you may work for someone else.

I think it's an unusual scene - you don't get many horse & cart scenes in an urban environment, so good for the OP for picking up on this (y)

re the compass - it's a fairly unusual thing, and why not take a pic to see how it turns out? :)

Twitch - keep going! :clap: please don't be put off by any negative comments.;)
i like the second horse and cart one! shame you couldnt have zoomed in on the couple! the marks on the wall sort of look like steam erupting from her cup. no? just me then. the brick is a garish color. never seen so much color in slough?!
I think that the colours in #1 and the other pic you have added are way OTT. The orange needs a tone down for me. Did you up the saturation in PP or is this one of the settings in the camera? Composition wise, this doesn't really work for me and does not inspire me to look around either. With #2 I think this could be the better of the two shots, perhaps you could have played with a shallow depth of field with some of the compass lines being used to lead the eye. Or taken from a lower viewpoint, again iwth the lines leading to what ever is in the background?

Hope that helps.
Second horse one is better for me too.
Personally I'd like to see some of the colour in the brickwork toned down to give more prominence to the horse and cart and bike.

Really quick 2 minute edit.
Adjustment to saturation on wall, contrast boost and a little sharpen. It's definitely more to my taste.

And apparently I'm the one person who finds the compass an interesting subject ;)
I think it has potential as a photographic subject, but there are some better angles to be had there. Personally I'd have gone for something lower down with a narrower depth of field - and then processed it with a contrasty mono conversion.

EDIT : Sara posted whilst I was sorting that out . . . seems like I'm not the only compass lover :LOL:
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I think that the comparison between the two method's of transport are fairly interesting. But i think that it would be hard to get something really eye opening out of that topic :(

Great pictures !
Regarding the first photo, I'm thinking that if the sign post to the right was cropped out and then the image was greyscaled, it would make for a decent "vintage"-type photo.

As in something like this (hope you don't mind me having done this) . . .

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look, its the next person to be banned..

the point is, and i'll spell it out for you as you seem to have completely missed it, that you offer no solution as to what the OP could do to improve the shot. we can all point out a bad shot, what is required is to say how it can be improved.

I'm guessing he gone now as his posts have dissapeared, only been on the forum a month or so and all i saw of his posts were negative comments, nothing remotley constructive, can really kill the enthusiasm of a newbie.

Op - i really like the second pic and the biker looking.
Just seen this thread
Must say I do like the context of the second shot compared to the first one....taking a break,the onlooking cyclist etc (y)

Had a play with the distance dial :thinking:
I don't mind the one with the horse, the first one.

Looks like the horses are stationary and are in a partking bay. So the sign is relevant.

Could you have got any lower whilst taking the pic? Were you standing?
Windsor train station isn't it?

I remember reading something about the wall there and the numbers/letters that are bricked in to the design. Also something to do with horses coming through the doors which is why they are so big.