Recent Magic Mouse style mouse for PC?

LongLensPhotography's all folks!
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Magic mouse (v1, 2xAA) was one of the few items I migrated from a mac to a PC. It was largely fine, I lost some minor functionality like scrolling wasn't working in all directions is some apps, and quite annoyingly it would scroll through a random checklist box such as to DVD in LR output screen. etc. Not great but still very usable...
It is for some reason getting very stutterry in everything I do, sometimes less sometimes really bad.

I have Wacom intuos tablet and pen, and use it a fair bit mostly inside Photoshop but find both not ideal in certain tasks like general browsing, or working with precise selection or text edit fields in lightroom. So really I am going between all three...

The main thing I really liked about magic mouse was scrolling in all directions using touch surface inside lightroom or photoshop

I am really not too excited about going back to 1980s style £100!!!!! mouse with 2 buttons and a noisy wheel. It really should be a magic mouse style device. Any ideas?
I played a bit with everything I've got and looks like the old MM is perhaps OK on a laptop. I haven't spent enough time so I don't have confidence if they issue will eventually manifest or not.

On a PC both Windows and Linux exhibit same issue. One day it is fine, other day unusable. I stuck in a couple fresh alkaline AAs and no change. So not a battery and not a driver fault. Either something is playing up inside the mouse or it doesn't like the BT signal from my new PC. Laptop is a few cm, PC like a meter away with the whole case in between. The antennae's just screw in so can't really move them any closer; the BT headphones work just fine much much further away. I believe old PC config was a bit better with it; that had the antennae on a cable so a little closer...
MM v1 uses BT2 which is quite a bit dated. MM v2 (the one with non-upgradeable battery) is BT3, also very very dated. Headphones I believe is BT4 so maybe that is the difference?

I may just have to keep this one for laptop use and try and live with just the wacom for now. It's ok but there are time where a mouse is just better to do a certain task.