Recent shots on the street

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Taken on a Nikon D3100 with kit lens, no filter.





Hawl, I'm in one of these too!
Gies some CRIT Joe :p

Brace yerself!

#1 Is a tad boring, especially as the next one is of the same thing & much better. Could do with a tightish crop & more contrast & sharpness.

#2 as I said, better, nice muted colours. Good contrast between healthy eating & everyone else in Glasgow. Could maybe bring the blacks out a bit more if you don't mind losing some detail in the binbag. Gid.

#3 would be good if it wasn't a f***ing Saab :LOL: I'd be tempted to crop out the lamp post on the left though. Apart from that, don't see anything wrong with it. Also gid.

#4 shows that you're studying graphic design. All shapes & no detail :LOL:

#5 is obviously the best since I'm in it & I have my purple shoes on!

#6 - Can see what you're getting at, but it's too soft. Could do with a crop as well.

#7 lacks an interesting subject, would be better if she was dancing or something :runaway:

#8 good pic, but the fence is a bit distracting from the car & man, you could crop it from the right a bit while keeping enough for the fence to still lead your eye to the main subject.

#9 nice light, nice reflections on the car, nice sepia, shame the bin is in the way. Maybe crop from the right a little, not a big deal though.

#10 - everyone who's ever been to Buchannan St has taken a picture of that busker wumman. The 3 people (suit guy & two smokers) are arranged nicely.

Rubbish example crop:

Happy? :D
Thanks for that CRIT Joe. Will take on board.

Get a phone... or no pints.
I think the best 2 are definitely the guy walking past the "custom house" and the guy walking past the busker. I definitely would not crop as the space around a subject is just as important as the main subject.

Stick to presenting Coast ;)

Haha I've been likened to Neil Oliver before! :D