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looking at buying a guide book to go with my Sony A200

which one would be the best bet?

i have found Sony A200 by Shawn Barnett for £8 but just want to know if there are any others out there etc..
is it a specific sony alpha users guide book your after or a more general photography book comprising technique etc

well i thought mainly to cover the sony as it would explain the settings etc.. but are dslr settings more or less the same across most manufacturers?

sorry to be a bit dim, still a relative newbie but i am looking to gain more understading of what does what if you know what i mean
the settings themselves will on the whole be the same, however how you access them will be specific to the manufacturer, if you can get past that then a more general book would provide you with a very good grounding. im not 'up' on sony photography gear so couldnt direct you any further.

however i can wholeheartedly recommend this book as a general guide, ive bought it for my father and he found it very useful - understanding exposure by peterson
I've been thinking about ordering this book: The Photographer's Eye: Composition and Design for Better Digital Photos by Michael Freeman. It's got very good reviews according to Amazon, but has anyone here read it?
I've been thinking about ordering this book: The Photographer's Eye: Composition and Design for Better Digital Photos by Michael Freeman. It's got very good reviews according to Amazon, but has anyone here read it?

I have it, can't recommend it highly enough. Must start putting some of it into practice! :bonk: :D
I have it, can't recommend it highly enough.


Served me well on a flight back from Chicago a couple of weeks ago!

It's the sort of book you can refer to over and over as it's not a "do it this way" style of book, rather a "this will have this effect" guide.

Well worth the investment IMO.
thanks for all the replies guys

think i shall be adding one of these to my xmas list ;)