Recommend me a card reader...?

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So my el-cheapo card reader just corrupted all my images. I've never had a lot of luck with card readers, but most of the time they just stop working. This one has corrupted the images though. It's not the end of the world - just a few "52" shots which I can reshoot, so I'm grateful for that.

So can anyone recommend an SD card reader that they have used/are using without issue?
I've had a Lexar Professional USB card reader for a few years and its been great, mines a usb2 but they have a usb3 model on amazon for about £22
Most times this question comes up the majority seem to recommend the Lexar Pro - the link is to that one on Amazon. It's USB 3, so even more useful if you have that capability. I have one and have been very happy with it - and I paid more than it is now.

Lexar pro USB 3. I've had it a few months now and it's quick and reliable. My last card reader bent a pin and wouldn't read but was incredibly slow reading a well-filled CF card.

There's a wee rack that can take several different readers. It's not cheap but you can download from several cards once you've bought the additional readers to fit it.
The Kingston USB 3.0 is cheaper than the Lexar and there is no difference in performance whatsoever
Another vote for the Lexar Pro USB3 Dual Slot (SD & CF) reader. Way faster than the built in readers in the lappys and netbooks I use.
The Kingston USB 3.0 is cheaper than the Lexar and there is no difference in performance whatsoever
I have no experience of the Kingston reader so I can't say if it is as good as the Lexar or not, but I have been using the Lexar Pro USB3 dual for more than a year with both CF and SD cards and it has performed
faultlessly so I would not hesitate to recommend it.
The lexar pro ones are the best I've found, make sure you get the USB 3 version as there's still older models on some stores. I've 3 of these now after trying loads of others and I wouldn't change now. Quickest out of all the ones I tested too
Thanks for the replies everyone. I went for the Lexar one in the end.
ive recently bought the same model, very quick when using USB3.

I use the Lexar one as well, what I like about it is that the CF slot is quite deep so chances of bending a pin on a CF card is reduced compared to some el-cheapo models. It is also pretty fast, as fast as my cards can go anyway.

The folding flat feature is quite pointless unless you transport it about, other than that it just works...not advertised as a 337-in-one card reader.
The folding flat feature helps keep dust and bugs out of the slots as well as making it marginally flatter for transporting the thing. One thing to remember is to take the bloody cable with you, otherwise the sodding thing's useless!!! (Luckily I could still use the [slow] built in reader in the netbook...)