Red Kites on a spring day

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Is that blue sky I can see?? forgotten what it looks like...
great set
Lovely shots. :clap:

Were those taken in Mid Wales?
(EDIT - No need to reply as I see from your flickr site that they were taken at Studley Green, Berkshire)

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Nice set there(y) love seeing the Red Kites when i can, stunning bird of prey (y)
Some cracking shots there, wish I had them closer to me, majestic birds.
Thanks for all the nice comments :)

Lovely shots. :clap:

Were those taken in Mid Wales?
(EDIT - No need to reply as I see from your flickr site that they were taken at Studley Green, Berkshire)


To be precise they were taken at Chris's Truck Stop on the A40 near Stokenchurch. They put out food for the birds and there must have about 30 on the day I was there!

nice shots mate....fantastic shots in Thailand, what lens did you use, mark...

Mark - I use a number of lenses and I am not sure which shot you are talking about. However on flickr each of my shots is tagged with the lens used.

For me the images are too small,are they big crops ?,


They are crops, but have you tried looking on flickr where there are larger copies?
To be precise they were taken at Chris's Truck Stop on the A40 near Stokenchurch. They put out food for the birds and there must have about 30 on the day I was there!

I was there on Friday, could not believe how close they came and the numbers, didn`t get any good shots though, raining and poor light, a place I will call again
Thanks for all the nice comments :)
To be precise they were taken at Chris's Truck Stop on the A40 near Stokenchurch. They put out food for the birds and there must have about 30 on the day I was there!

Nice set, thanks for the location, it's a perfect meeting point for a TP meet I am arranging.
hi john do they put the food out at a particular time of day or are the kites around all the time.

I got there about 3pm. it looked as if they had just put the food out, I think the café closes around then, so they put out food that is left, but the kites are around that area all the time, I sometimes sit on the village green at Stokenchurch when Iv`e been down that way with a £1.99 bag of Aldi chicken wings and wait for the to come and get them.

M40 junction 5, into Stokenchurch village, the green is on the right a few hundred yards from the motorway junction and Chris`s café is about 2/3 miles further on, on your left (A40)
Good set of images (y)
I like the angle on No 3
I got there about 3pm. it looked as if they had just put the food out, I think the café closes around then, so they put out food that is left, but the kites are around that area all the time, I sometimes sit on the village green at Stokenchurch when Iv`e been down that way with a £1.99 bag of Aldi chicken wings and wait for the to come and get them.

M40 junction 5, into Stokenchurch village, the green is on the right a few hundred yards from the motorway junction and Chris`s café is about 2/3 miles further on, on your left (A40)

Appreciate you sharing the information.
The weather forcast for tomorrow looks, good, I'm tempted to take a drive there.
hi john do they put the food out at a particular time of day or are the kites around all the time.

About 2.00pm is when the first lot goes out, but the birds (and togs) start gathering before 1.00pm.

agree with Stuart. angle in #3 is really interesting. its nice to see the top of flying bird:)

And I agree with you both (y)

Appreciate you sharing the information.
The weather forcast for tomorrow looks, good, I'm tempted to take a drive there.

Did you make it?
In the weekdays the butcher down the lane feeds them every day around 3 pm in the winter and 4 pm in the summer.

By sitting on the green it is by a busy road A 40 and also they will not land.

He does not put food out on weekends I don't think as he finishes at lunchtime and does not open on a sunday or Monday.

If it kites in flight you are after then you are more than welcome to come here and bring you own food for them. (y)

30 here today (y) this afternoon as I went out and fed them

Just make sure it is a sunny day and you may be lucky and see a buzzard or 2 and also we have Ravens here that fly about as they nest down our other farm.

If I know when you are coming I will get some dead chickens and rabbits put out for them and get them to land (well try)

I can try and arrange a meet here if you really want to but it is nothing special and I can't promise there will be loads of kites but they have never let me down. This will be a weeks notice so we can work with the weather as no good when it is overcast or cloudy (and cold)

Hashcake, give me a call and we can chat about this. will have to limit numbers though so may be we can arrange 2 dates.

I will give me the incentive I need to get back out with the camera (y)

Perhaps the people who have been here can post on this to say what they think about meeting here, don't worry wont take and critism to heart !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Perhaps you can do landscapes before then come to me in the afternoon, that is a suggestion.:shrug:
Looking good for Monday Tuesday next week may try and get out then (well out my back door :LOL: :LOL:)


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M40 junction 5, into Stokenchurch village, the green is on the right a few hundred yards from the motorway junction and Chris`s café is about 2/3 miles further on, on your left (A40)

Looking forward to TP outing being arranged but this is another area to head for rather than just Watlington Hill.

About 2.00pm is when the first lot goes out, but the birds (and togs) start gathering before 1.00pm.

And I agree with you both (y)

Did you make it?

No I didn't not today, as it's been a few days since I've had a chance to give my dog a long walk, we went over to Trent country park.
John, next time you are in the area give me a shout and come on down (y)
Looking good for Monday Tuesday next week may try and get out then (well out my back door :LOL: :LOL:)



Love #2, #1 looks over sharpened to me?
PP not my best topic but will add NO CROPPING done with these :D
Perhaps you can do landscapes before then come to me in the afternoon, that is a suggestion.:shrug:

Briony that sounds good but there might be a few people, I don't want you to feel obliged.
I also asked in my Stokenchurch thread if you are planning to join us?
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Depends on numbers my house is not that big so pick a nice day and it is not a problem, you can all stay outside (y) will limit it though as they do tend to be a bit shy if too many Nikons pointing at them :LOL: :LOL:

As I said will have to be done when we know what the weather is doing.
Briony that sounds good but there might be a few people, I don't want you to feel obliged.
I also asked in my Stokenchurch thread if you are planning to join us?

If it is here then yes but not into landscapes so won't be coming to Stokenchurch meet, if anyone want to do Kites in flight then come her in the afternoon or morning then do the other in the after noon.

Sorry John sems to have hijacked thread will take this to meeting thread now please.
John, next time you are in the area give me a shout and come on down (y)

I may well do that. I am only 45 minutes away from Oxford - I live in Acton close to the M40 ;)

If there is any chance of a couple of nice sunny days I will drop you a pm.