Critique Red Kites

Great bird (I have a real soft spot for these!) and with a touch more thought in PP they can be taken up an extra notch.

They look in focus but they need a little bit more selective sharpening on the bird for web presentation. They could also do with re-framing, as it's generally better to get them out of the centre of the frame and give them extra room to 'fly into'

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Really nice set Martin I especially like the 3rd shot best, however I would crop slightly different - a little more space below and in front with not so much above

If you have the time have a go at sharpening etc, I am a complete novice at editing. Thanks for your comments.
If you have the time have a go at sharpening etc, I am a complete novice at editing. Thanks for your comments.

Hi Martin, what software do you have? I might be able to assist if its something I'm familiar with

This was literally 20 seconds and done on the laptop so won't be perfect but may give you an idea about the extra detail lurking in your file. Into photoshop, selected the bird, put it on a new layer and sharpened it.

Like I say, the amount may not be right but its just an illustration.

May sound confusing if you're not used to photoshop but its really not once you've done it a couple of times.

I couldn't play with the crop due to the small file size but ideally the bird would have been cropped to be right of centre, giving her more room to 'fly' into



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Mike I have the standard editing with my MacBook I also have Luminar A1
Hi Martin,
sorry, but I: don't have any knowledge of Luminar software, I was hoping you had something adobe based, DPP or Capture1

Either way, just see if there is a way you can select the bird and put it on a new layer so it can be sharpened without affecting the background,

Sharpening should only be done after resizing the shot for the intended use - ie 1024 px wide for TP
