Removing Objects in the background

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Hi everyone, hope you can help.

I took some photos for a wedding the other week and whilst most of them are good, there are a couple that i want to remove some objects out of the background (gravestones!!), or blur them as though I have used a very shallow depth of field.

Any idea how I would go about doing this in either Aperture, Lightroom or Photoshop Element 10?

Im a total novice at photo editing so a step by step guide would be great or indeed pointing me to the right place would be equally as good!

Are we talking one or two stones or a lot? As Christine says bluring the background can look very artificial if it's not done right.
Stick one of your photos up as an example then the awesome dudes(no not me!) in this section will be able to advise even better.
IMG_3548 by DannyToft, on Flickr[/IMG]
how is this?


tried to add a bit of lawn and then make some more of the bushes in the background and then made the edge of the lawn and them meet :)

I cut around the lady in the wheel chair and then the lad to the right of her, inverted my selection and then created a new layer. Then i used the clone stamp mainly and tried to use the foliage from the other part of the shot. For the branches I selected part of the tree above the lady with the pink hat then duplicated it and distorted it into a longer tree so it didnt look identical.

hope that helps a bit, like I said, not an expert, just self taught and play about until I like it lol.

others will probably do better :)
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thanks, not sure how else to explain it other than above.

Have you used photoshop much? I am just self taught and started off "modifying" cars when I was younger. This taught me the basics of using layers and the different tools.

I found the Photoshop BIBLE -

Really helpful, talks you through using layers and doing different manipulations of photos.

It does it all for cars but if you can change the colour of a car then you can do it to everything, same as adding and changing parts.

Hope that helps? :)