Replacing MacBook Pro screen

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So on a flight back home to blighty yesterday I thought it would be a smashing idea to try and close my mbp with my ear phones in it! The screen is now busted :( is it worth trying to source a repair, any good places to go or is it apple only or should I scrap it and get a new one hoping the acc damage under my household insurance will part cover the cost? It's a 2008 15" model.

Any advice appreciated


just the glass? if so you can pick the glass up for £40 or so.

then you just need a heatgun/hairdryer and some spudgers (prising tools) and a possibly a sucker.

guides are available on pootube :)
If you paid for it, accidental damage on your home insurance should cover it.
It's not a big job, and not a reason to write off the laptop.

There are loads of independents who can do it for you, just avoid the one I used, screen came back in a worse state than I sent it.
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Get the glass replaced. The laptop is worth several hundred pounds even though it's 4 years old. Personally I'd get a quote from your nearest Apple store first then see what the difference is with an independent.
pablob said:
Thanks guys I will see what the replacement screen cost will be? I'll try apple and the local re seller and see what they say :) I should say it's not the glass part that is fine, it's the screen (pixels) that is damaged!

If its the panel then that's a different story. We were told that the LCD is not supplied separately by our authorised repairer. Worked out £500-600 supplied without fitting if I remember rightly. That's glass, screen and laptop lid assembly.
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